Thanks for the acknowledgement for my research in the field of civil engineering.

Creation – Innovation – Solution
Thanks for the acknowledgement for my research in the field of civil engineering.
New position. New role. New responsibilities.
Thanks Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) for the UTMShine 2021 award. It is proud that we received this award as one of the achievements this year. All the best for the recipients.
Thanks Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) for the invitation as keynote speaker at the 3rd Global Congress on Construction, Material and Structural Engineering (GCoMSE 2021).
Delivered a talk on G.O.T motivation. A total 102 participants are joining this webminar. Thanks for the invitation PGSS SKA.
Thanks UTM and School of Civil Engineering, Faculty Engineering, UTM for the promotion to Associate Professor. This is a small token of my career in UTM. I’m so grateful to know that my hard work has paid off and looking forward to learn new skills.
Another CSR program at Kg Orang Asli Putting, Segamat organized by FEC & SAFE UTM.
Thank you JAKOA, UTM, SArchitect
Casual research discussion in Datuk’s new room at SKA.
Dr Abdullah Zawawi Awang looks so excited.
A big achievement for me getting a title “Jutera Professional (IR)”. Thanks everyone who always supporting me.
Jabatan Struktur dan Bahan, Sekolah Kejuteraan Awam, Fakulti Kejuruteraan, UTM
UTM sedang membuka permohonan bagi pendaftaran pelajar untuk semester yang akan bermula Oktober 2020.
UTM ada menawarkan program
Program ini sangat menarik yang mana ditawarkan melalui dua kaedah pengajaran:
1) Sepenuh masa – sesuai untuk yang berpeluang cuti belajar.
2) Pembelajaran terbuka & jarak jauh (ODL) – sesuai untuk yang sedang bekerja tetapi dalam masa yang sama ingin menyambung pelajaran.
Maklumat lanjut bagi program ODL:
Terus mendaftar di UTM: