My youngest son need to attend speech therapy session because he only can say few words. He is 2 and half years old. So how do I notice that he need attention? According to his check-up book (blue for boy and pink for girl) provided by government, for child at 18 month they should able to combine 2 words such as “nak susu” or “nak makan”. So my AarizSoleh can’t combine any word. We already attended the first session, actually for observation and evaluation by Speech Therapist. From the evaluation, AarizSoleh speech level was at 1 and half years old only.

Before we can attend therapy session parents need to attend talk session. So me and my husband attended it last week. I think that session was very good, the Therapist teach us how to teach and practice to communicate with our children. From the talk I figure it out that our mistake as parents, for example the usage of hand-phone at home. We don’t communicate much with our children. We were told that from 50 words we talk, only 1 will come out from our child and for one word, he need to listen it about 40,000 times.

We need to play with them such as puzzle, “main olok2”, enjit2 semut and other traditional game we play when we are at young age are very good actually for them. In other words, we need to be creative and talkative. His next session in November, I hope he will improve a lot in his speech skill. We also plan to send him to kindergarten next year so he can communicate with his friend because right now he don’t have any friend at his babysitter house.