Architecture | Research | Design

Category: General Info

  • About AN/DS

    About AN/DS

    AN/DS or Aiman Nor Izura Design Studio, was founded by Dr Aiman and Dr Nor Izura of UTM Senibina. Our aim is to instill public appreciation and understanding of architecture by focusing on spatial design, design thinking and architectural research. Our journey began during our final years of studying architecture at the Faculty of Built…

  • Kemensah House on TV1

    Kemensah House on TV1

    In July 2015, Kemensah House was featured in TV1 Rancangan Inspirasi hosted by Fahrin Ahmad and our dear friend Khairunnisa Hamzah. Here are some of the images during the photoshoot. Unfortunately, the video could not be retrieved from the original link. More images and concept of Kemensah House can be found on the website.

  • AN/DS Graphics & Illustration [2002-2008]

    AN/DS Graphics & Illustration [2002-2008]

    Here are some of our graphics design and doodle collection. The design started from a simple paper sketch and traced over in Adobe Illustrator for composition and color.