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Category: Uncategorized

  • The Tiniest Prefab Houses

    There is always an argument that smaller is most certainly better than bigger, as bigger does not necessarily equal better. Prefab housing takes hold as a viable, sustainable, contemporary building techniques.  1. WEEHOUSE Design by Alchemy Architects, it is definitely fits into the latter category – already widely-known (and one of the few prefabs actually…

  • Container Guest House by Poteet Architects

    A container as a mobile house/office is not a new concept – but this sustainable container guest house, certainly is.  Located in San Antonio, Texas, USA, this 320 sqf project is originated from the clients’ desire, who lives in a small warehouse on a former industrial site, to experiment the shipping container.  It is a…

  • Hello World!!

    Here comes AND-design! Everyday architecture. Have fun! ‘There are a great many things about architecture that are hidden from the untrained eye.’ – Frank Gehry