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Tag: competition entry

  • Rumah TAMBAH: A submission for Pertandingan Rekabentuk Malaysia 2015

    Rumah TAMBAH: A submission for Pertandingan Rekabentuk Malaysia 2015

    As part of Izura’s PhD study on flood and architectural disaster-respond, AN/DS has came out with a design proposal for the development of permanent housing solutions for flood-prone areas. The PhD study has discovered that the flood-affected communities prefered to stay within their current inhabitant although it is uncertain if disasters may struck again in…

  • FREELIBRARY: A Competition Entry For Social Change

    FREELIBRARY: A Competition Entry For Social Change

    AN/DS submitted a Design Proposal dubbed as the ‘FREELIBRARY’ for a Design Competition held in 2013. It was developed as a social design to promote literacy and the love for knowledge by providing a space for reading, learning and gathering.  The Project Description  FREELIBRARY is both temporary and permanent product that intends to give low-­‐cost-­house communities…

  • Saint-Gobain Isover Architectural Student Design Competition 2012

    Saint-Gobain Isover Architectural Student Design Competition 2012

    Eight student teams have been shortlisted for the 2012 Saint-Gobain Isover Architectural Student Design Competition in UK level. This year’s competition challenged students to create a sustainable community living plan for around 12 to 15 families, located in Nottingham’s Trent Basin at the border between the city and the industrial zone. The development must be…