‘Mario Bros.’ is The Switch’s first classic game

[embedded content] The original arcade Mario Bros. features the titular brothers hopping around an unchanging screen as monsters pop out of sideways pipes. One or two players can grab a Joy Con each to control Mario and Luigi, respectively. Remember that you...

LG’s Sprint-exclusive V30+ arrives on October 13th

Assuming the iPhone 8 and 8+ haven't done anything for you, and Google's Pixel successor doesn't blow your hair back, maybe the LG V30+ will do the trick. If you're a Sprint customer who's been patiently waiting, the phone, with its 128GB of...

A mini version of the Commodore 64 is coming in 2018

It's hard to deny the popularity of Nintendo's retro mini systems. After all, demand far outstripped supply for the mini version of the original console, and the same is expected to happen for today's SNES release. It's not a surprise, then, that...