Associate Prof. Ir. Ts. Dr. Asnida is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). Currently, she serves as a Director. Previously, she has contributed as a Program Coordinator and Academic Manager within the same department. Dr. Asnida earned her Master of Engineering in Electrical and Electronics from the University of Bristol and completed her Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering at UTM. Before embarking on her doctoral studies, she gained valuable experience working with a multinational company for nearly five years. She is a registered Chartered Engineer (UK), Professional Engineer (BEM), and Professional Technologist (MBOT).

Her research interest and expertise evolve around thermal medical imaging, medical image processing, computational modelling and simulation, assistive medical device, bio-instrumentation and artificial intelligence. She has published several research articles and book chapters in the same field and has been invited to review articles from various high impact journals. She is a fellow researcher in Medical Device and Technology Center (MEDITEC), a member of Diagnostic Research Group,  a member of IET (UK) and member of IEM (Malaysia). 

Since joining UTM in October 2016, Asnida has been actively participate in student development programs as an advisor to BIOMEHS student society. She is dedicated to help in scaffolding future leaders and hopes to contribute more to the community by sharing her experiences and knowledge for the betterment of society.

As an individual, she is a passionate team player, self-motivate and loves to explore her ability and potential. During her free time, she enjoys playing sports such as badminton and volleyball, going back to nature and simply spending her time with the loved ones.

In life, she holds and beliefs in these beautiful quotes “The more you give, the more you get back” , “Together we can make the world a better place for all” and “Kerana Tuhan untuk Manusia”


Academic and Administrative Experiences

  1. Task Force – SKBSK Restructuring 2022
  2. Task Force – UTM Synergy 4.0 (Empowerment)  2022
  3. Technical Committee – ( Diagnostic and Therapeutic Ionizing Radiation ) – Department of Standards Malaysia
  4. Advisor II – BIOMEHS Student Society
  5. Advisor – Student Affairs, Faculty of Engineering
  6. Reviewer – Master Dissertation and Final Year Project Report
  7. Panel – PhD/Master Proposal Defense and Viva
  8. Committee Member – Sebutharga JKHS B – IHumen 2022
  9. Lead – Networking Committee MEDITEC 2022
  10. Committee – UTM Academic Quality Award 202
  11. Reviewer – Journal of Computer Methods and Program in Biomedicine
  12. Reviewer – Medical & Biology Engineering & Computing Journal
  13. Panel – GUP Grant 2022
  14. Head – Thermal Sciences and Engineering Lab
  15. Director – Department of Biomedical Engineering and Health Science, FKE, UTM
  16. Member of JKP – FKE
  17. Member of JKA – FKE
  18. Member of JK Amanah – JKBSK
  1. Coordinator – SKBSK COPPA Accreditation 2021
  2. Technical Committee – ( Diagnostic and Therapeutic Ionizing Radiation ) – Department of Standards Malaysia
  3. Advisor II – BIOMEHS Student Society
  4. Advisor – Student Affairs, Faculty of Engineering
  5. Academic Manager – School of Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences
  6. Head of Media and Marketing – IMEDITEC2021
  7. Track Champion BioInstrumentation – IMEDITEC2021
  8. Reviewer – Master Dissertation and Final Year Project Report
  9. Committee – UTM Academic Quality Award 2021
  10. SG Leader – Active Learning (FREE) Initiative
  11. Panel – PhD/Master Proposal Defense and Viva
  12. Reviewer – Journal of Computer Methods and Program in Biomedicine
  13. Reviewer – Medical & Biology Engineering & Computing Journal
  1. Technical Committee – ( Diagnostic and Therapeutic Ionizing Radiation ) – Department of Standards Malaysia
  2. Advisor II – BIOMEHS Student Society
  3. Advisor – Student Affairs, Faculty of Engineering
  4. Reviewer – Journal of Computer Methods and Program in Biomedicine
  5. Reviewer – Medical & Biology Engineering & Computing Journal
  6. Academic Manager – School of Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences
  7. Head of Media and Marketing – IMEDITEC2020
  8. Track Champion – IMEDITEC2020
  9. Reviewer – Master Dissertation and Final Year Project Report
  10. Task Force Coordinator – EAC (SMBE Space) 2020
  11. Committee – UTM Academic Quality Award 2020
  12. SG Leader – Active Learning (FREE) Initiative
  13. Panel – PhD/Master Proposal Defense and Viva
  14. Program Director – Microsoft Team Seminar by Microsoft Malaysia
  1. Technical Committee – SIRIM ( Diagnostic and Therapeutic Ionising Radiation )
  2. Advisor – BIOMEHS Student Society
  3. Advisor – International Innovation Day 2019
  4. Committee – Evacuator and Floor Monitor
  5. Reviewer – Journal of Computer Methods and Program in Biomedicine
  6. Reviewer – Medical & Biology Engineering & Computing Journal
  7. Panel – Master Research Proposal
  8. Panel – PhD Fast Track
  9. Co-chair – PhD Viva
  10. Program Coordinator – Biomedical Engineering
  11. Advisor – Student Affairs for SKBSK
  12. Panel – GUP Grant Evaluator
  13. Academic Manager – School of Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences
  14. Panel – Research Poster Exhibition – EIIDay 2019
  15. Committee – Sustainable and Integrated Engineering International Conference 2019
  16. Panel – Community Award – Faculty of Engineeirng Award Ceremony 2019
  17. Treasury – SKBSK Team Building 2019
  18. Facilitator – SKBSK Team Building 2019
  19. Head of Media and Marketing – IMEDITEC2020
  20. Track Champion – IMEDITEC2020
  1. Technical Committee – SIRIM ( Diagnostic and Therapeutic Ionising Radiation ) 
  2. Panel – 3-Minute Thesis, 2018
  3. Advisor – IJNF Charity Run 2018
  4. Advisor – BIOMEHS Student Society
  5. Advisor – Community Engagement with SETA and MOH
  6. Director – Majlis Anugerah Pelajar Cemerlang SKBSK 2018
  7. Advisor – FBME International Innovation Day 2018
  8. Committee – Evacuator and Floor Monitor
  9. Committee – SRIH Parents and Teacher Society
  10. Reviewer – Journal of Computer Methods and Program in Biomedicine
  11. Reviewer – Medical & Biology Engineering & Computing Journal
  12. Supervisor – Industrial Training
  13. Guest Editor – Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences (MJFAS)
  14. Coordinator – Problem Based Learning Laboratory
  15. Supervisor – AIMS Exchange Program
  16. Evaluator – IGCESH 2018
  17. Panel – Master Research Proposal
  18. Panel – PhD Fast Track
  19. Co-chair – PhD Viva
  20. Committee – Ethical Committee
  21. Committee – Quality and Strategy SKBSK
  22. Program Coordinator – Biomedical Engineering
  23. Committee – How to Get Yourself Employed 2018
  1. Orginising Chair – International Speech Competition, March 2017
  2. Committee – FBME Annual Report 
  3. Advisor – FBME Undergraduate Society, BIOMEHS
  4. Advisor – FBME Innovation Day 
  5. Coordinator – FBME UG RoadMap Project
  6. Committee – EAC Audit Report 2017
  7. Committee – Faculty Annual Report 
  8. Committee – BME Conference 2017
  9. Committee – Graduate Employability Program (FBME) 
  10. Committee – MS/ISO 17025 Certification for EMC Laboratory , 
  11. Secretary – First Year Experience Program
  12. Committee – Biomedical Forum JBiotech 
  13. Facilitator – Interactive English Program
  14. Advisor – Arduino Workshop
  15. Advisor – Hike for Life
  16. Secretary General – International Medical Device and Technology Conference (iMEDITEC) 2017
  17. Secretary – Program with Visiting Professor
  18. Guest Editor – Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences (MJFAS)
  19. Invited Speaker – Postgraduate Structured Course SPS
  20.  Reviewer – Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing Journal – Springer
  21. Reviewer – Journal of Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphic
  22. Reviewer – Journal of Computer Methods and Program in Biomedicine
  23. Panel – BME Conference
  24. Panel – 3-Minute Thesis
  25. Co-Chair – PhD Viva
  26. Supervisor – Industrial Training
  27. Panel – GUP Grant
  28. Advisor – The Great Lab Challenge CREST
  29. Supervisor – AIMS Exchange Program
  30. Panel – Master Research Proposal
  31. Technical Committee – SIRIM ( Diagnostic and Therapeutic Ionising Radiation ) 

Awards & Achievements


 Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang, MAGFKE, 2023

Anugerah Perkhidmatan Terbilang, SKBSK , 2022

Anugerah Pengajaran, Fakulti Kejuruteraan, 2021

Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang, Fakulti Kejuruteraan 2021 

Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang, Citra Karisma, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2020

Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang, Fakulti Kejuruteraan, 2019 

Anugerah Pengajaran, SKBSK 2019 

Competent Communicator Award – Toastmaster International , 2019

Best Speaker – UTM Toastmaster Club, Nov 2018




Best Paper -Sustainable & Integrated Engineering International Conference 2022

Anugerah Penulisan Dalam Jurnal Berindeks, Citra Karisma, 2022

Anugerah  Penerbitan , Majlis Anugerah Kecemerlangan IHumen, 2022

Bronze Medal, International Innovation, Creativity and Technology Exhibition 2021

Silver Medal – Inno Pitch – International Innovation Day 2019

Bonze Medal – Research Innovation – International Innovation Day 2019

Bronze Medal – Research Exhibition and Competition – International Innovation Day 2019

Best Paper IEEE Award – ICABPS 2018

Gold Medal – Best Poster Category – International Innovation Day 2018

Gold Medal – Research Exhibition and Competiton – International Innovation Day 2018

Bronze Medal – Research Exhibition and Competition – International Innovation Day 2018

2nd Place , Innovation Competition – Innovate Johor 2017



Gold, Volleyball Women, UTM Staff Games 2023

Gold, Futsal Women, UTM Staff Games 2023

Gold, Badminton Women, UTM Staff Games 2019

Gold, Volleyball Women, UTM Staff Games, 2019

Silver, Badminton Group – UTM Staff Games 2018

Bronze, Volleyball Women – UTM Staff Games 2017

Bronze, Badminton Women – UTM Staff Games 2017