No | Project | Role | Amount | Starting Date | Ending Date | Vote No |
1 | Optimum Chime Sound for Driver’s Alert | Consultant | RM26,100 | Aug 2020 | July 2021 | ASEAN NCAP under ACTS Smart Solutions Sdn Bhd |
2 | Establishment of 3D-printed Child Manikins Using Anthropometric Data of 6 and 10 years old ASEAN Children for ASEAN NCAP | Consultant | RM70,000 | Aug 2020 | July 2021 | ASEAN NCAP under ACTS Smart Solutions Sdn Bhd |
3 | Child Presence Detection Assessment Methodology & Guidelines for ASEAN NCAP | Consultant (Data Analysis) | RM27,810 | Apr 2019 | Mar 2020 | ASEAN NCAP under ACTS Smart Solutions Sdn Bhd |
4 | Anthropometric Data of ASEAN Adults and Children for ASEAN NCAP | Consultant (Data Analysis) | RM40,800 | Apr 2019 | Mar 2020 | ASEAN NCAP under ACTS Smart Solutions Sdn Bhd |
5 | TDCs Minds Future Strategies, RCT and Directions | Member | RM4,800 | Sept 2018 | Mar 2019 | In-kind from Gleneagles Hospital |
Consultation Experience
Professional Membership/Qualifications/Recognition
Manufacturing and Industrial Technology (ME), Malaysia Board of Technologist (MBOT) - Professional Technologist
International Association of Engineers (IAENG) - Member
Board of Engineer Malaysia (BEM) - Graduate Engineer
Society of Engineering Education Malaysia (SEEM) - Member
Award and Honors Received
No | Award | Level | Year |
1 | Excellent Service Award 2019 (Citra Karisma) | UTM | 2020 |
2 | Knowledge Transfer Project: UTM-TDR 16.1 (T2): Design and development of medical plastic enclosure based on IEC 60601-1 standard | UTM (3 star rating) | 2019 |
3 | Knowledge Transfer Project: Development and Analysis of Portable Low Direct Current Stimulation Device for Medical Applications | UTM (3 star rating) | 2018 |
4 | Knowledge Transfer Project: Sistem Kawalan dan Pemantauan Kilang-kilang tanpa lesen menggunakan Mobile Apps untuk Kawasan Muar, Johor | UTM (4 star rating) | 2017 |
5 | Award of Excellence for Active Blended Learning Course (SKMM 3813) | UTM | 2017 |
6 | Best District Research Award | Institute of Strategic Innovation Johor (IISJ) | 2017 |
7 | Knowledge Transfer Project: Persidangan, Latihan dan Kerjasama Perlaksanaan Dalam Menyokong Projek Mobile Apps Muar | UTM (3 star rating) | 2016 |
8 | Best Presenter Evaluator for NIOSH 4th Scientific Conference on Occupational Safety and Health (SciCOSH 2016) | International | 2016 |
9 | Excellent Service Award 2012 (Citra Karisma) | UTM | 2016 |
10 | Awarded UTM/SLAB academic scholarship for PhD | UTM/National | 2006 |
11 | Awarded UTM/SLB academic scholarship for Master of Engineering | UTM | 2001 |
Curriculum Vitae
Administrative Experience
No | Position | Starting Date | Ending Date | Department |
1 | Programme Coordinator | Feb 2017 | Sept 2017 | MSc of Industrial Engineering, FKM |
2 | Laboratory | Dec 2014 | Jan 2017 | Industrial Laboratory, FKM, UTM |
3 | Head of Panel (Industrial Eng.) | Feb 2012 | Sept 2013 | Department of Materials, Manufacturing & Industrial Eng. |
4 | Advisor | Feb 2011 | Sept 2013 | Industrial Engineering Club (IEC), UTM |
5 | Acting Head of Panel (Industrial Eng.) | May 2011 | Feb 2012 | Department of Manufacturing & Industrial Eng. |
6 | Laboratory Coordinator | Jul 2006 | Dec 2006 | Shop Machine Laboratory, FKM |
7 | Course Coordinator (SMI 4812) | June 2006 | Dec 2006 | Department of Manufacturing & Industrial Eng. |
8 | Course Coordinator (SMJ3803/SMU3812/SMU2812) | May 2004 | Dec 2005 | Department of Manufacturing & Industrial Eng. |
9 | Course Coordinator (SZM4802) | Aug 2005 | Dec 2005 | ATMA Programme, FKM |
10 | Academic Advisor | 2003 | Present | Programme Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical-Industrial) for Cohort 2003-2006, 2011-2015, 2016-2020 and 2020-2023 |
11 | Treasurer | June 2001 | Dec 2001 | Short Course on Response Surface Methods, FKM, UTM |

Azanizawati Ma’aram is a senior lecturer at the School of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). She obtained her Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical-Industrial) and Master of Engineering (Advanced Manufacturing Technology) from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia. She pursued her Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D) (Management) at the University of Liverpool, United Kingdom. She has held several positions including Head of Industrial Panel, Postgraduate Coordinator for Master of Science (Industrial Engineering), and Laboratory Coordinator for Industrial Engineering. She is certified as an Engineering Technologist (Ts.) from the Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT). She is a member of the International Association of Engineers (IAENG) and the Board of Engineers (BEM) Malaysia. She has taught courses in industrial engineering, supply chain management (undergraduate and postgraduate levels), engineering management and safety, work design, ergonomics and research methodology. Her research interests include supply chain management, performance measurement, lean manufacturing, sustainability, ergonomics, safety and medical devices. She is currently active as a Project Leader and a Project Member on numerous research projects and has secured several grants funded by the university, Ministry of Education (MoE) and industrial grants that involve hospitals, industry collaborators as well as international researchers.
Malaysia Education 4.0: Connectors, Creators, Constructivists…
Source: Abdul Rahim Hashim (2017), Preparing graduates for the 4th Industrial Revolution, Plenary Forum presented at the 7th World Engineering Education Forum 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

1st virtual meeting with PhD students session 2020 2021 1

We set the meeting time at 9.30pm (Msia time)/8.30am (Canada time) to allow one of the student who is now living in Montreal, Canada can join the meeting at normal hours. Next mini colloquium will invite MSc by research and taught course as well as undergraduate students under my supervision to join the crowds. InsyaAllah…
Semoga perjuangan anak-anak didik dipermudahkan…aameen ya rabbal a’lameen
Azanizawati Ma’aram