Data & Analytics

ICT DATA MANAGEMENT AND ANALYTICS   Data management is one of the most important aspects of administering telecommunications as network elements, customer care systems, application and services all require instructions to operate effectively. While some data is...

Cyber Security Solutions

Essential Capabilities for ICS Cyber Security and Operational Visibility Asset Inventory and Network Visualization With Guardian*, you can improve system and process awareness with a visualization interface that shows all assets and links. Guardian* offers automated...

Cybercrime insurance is making the ransomware

Where are the attacks coming from According to US think tank the Council on Foreign Relations 22 countries are suspected of sponsoring cyberattacks, including the United States. And a new black market in which cybercriminals provide products and services to other...

Five Development Trends of Enterprise ICT

Trend 1: Cloud and subscription models will enable Anything-as-a-Service Over the past 20 years, enterprise business application systems, data storage systems, employee office systems, and enterprise management systems have been transformed from offline to online and...

Information Law or Data Law

Data rights is a connected issue For many people, data rights are also human rights and should be given equal status. The law often deals with the rights that people have to data but it also deals with obligations and interests. Who has the right to data comes up in...