Covid19 masih lagi berleluasa… *sigh*

Walaupun peraturan sudah dilonggarkan, tapi masih ada yang terus lupa untuk mengikut SOP yang telah ditentukan.. c’mon guys, kita masih belum menang… the number of new covid19 cases can reach up to more than 1000 cases per day! Semalam kalau tak silap lebih 2000 kes! Masih ingat lagi beberapa bulan lepas, apabila Dato DG KKM memegang poster tertulis 0 menandakan tiada kes baru pada masa itu.. and we have successfully flattened the curve (at least that’s what I thought)..

Sadly, as time passed by, makin lama makin banyak kes baru yang dicatat.. what is happening? Is it solely because we.. yes we the people.. we ignore the SOP being imposed by the government? Some people are just being so selfish that they disregard all the rules stating that they wont be affected by this covid… marilah kita menjaga sesama kita. Kita takkan menang tanpa bekerjasama..

Semoga ada rahmat di sebalik ujian ini…