My 1st Dose

Had my 1st dose of covid19 vaccine yesterday… so far so good.. hope everything will be fine.. insyaAllahh..


12 July – it’s my dear friend’s birthday… Happy birthday Su.. Lots of love!!!

Vertigo, Migrane etc…. Apa Ikhtiarnya?

Vertigo, migrane, pitam, darah tinggi, darah rendah, sendi, sakit tulang belakang, saraf tertinggal akibat slipped disc, pitam melihat darah.. Amalkan ini: 2 kilo garam kasar 1 kilo kacang hijau Letak dlm besen dan pijak minimum 5 minit sehari..Boleh ulang guna garam...

Why Do I Read

“Why do I read?I just can’t help myself.I read to learn and to grow, to laugh and to be motivated.I read to understand things I’ve never been exposed to.I read when I’m crabby, when I’ve just said monumentally dumb things to the people I love.I...