Step-by step digital rendering of Dieter Rams‘s Braun Shaver using Adobe Photoshop
by Basyarah Hamat

Left: Digitally rendered in Adobe Photoshop, Right: Actual photograph
In the videos below, I attempt to illustrate a step-by-step procedure of rendering the Braun Electric Shaver S60, which was designed by Dieter Rams, produced in 1958. This attempt was made to assist 1st year Industrial Design students the basic procedures of creating product renderings using basic tools such as the pen and brush tools, gaussian blur, layers and masks.
Part 01: Making paths with the pen tool
Part 02: Arraying for textures paths with the pen tool
Part 03: Creating textures
Part 04: Layer Mask
Part 05: Rendering the screws
Part 06: Brushes and paths
Part 07: Overall Rendering