This is the Research Publications list for the year 2020
Last update: 31/12/2020
- Khatib, S. F. A., Abdullah, D. F., Hendrawaty E., & Yahaya I. S. (2020). “Corporate Governance Mechanisms and Capital Structure.” Journal of Critical Reviews, 7, 463-471. [Scopus]
- Hazaea S. A., Zhu J., & Khatib S. F. A. (2020). “The impact of internal audit quality on the financial performance of Yamani Commercial banks: an empirical investigation”, The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business. 7(11). 867-875. [Scopus]
- Hazaea S. A., Zhu J., Alsharabi N., Khatib S. F. A., & Yueying L. (2020). “On the effectiveness of audit committee characteristics in commercial banks: Evidence from Yemen”. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7 (18), 2096-2115.
- Yahaya, I. S., Dutse, F. U., Senin, D. A. B. A., Yusuf, M. M.., Khatib, S. F. A., & Sabo, A. U. (2020). “Review of Literature on Business Models and Innovation”. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, 12(05-SPECIAL ISSUE), 1470–1486. [Scopus]
- Hazaea S. A., Zhu J., Khatib S. F.A., & Arshad M. (2020). “A Comparative Study of The Internal Audit System Between China and The Gulf Cooperation Council Countries”. Proceeding on Business, Economy, Management and Social Studies towards Sustainable Economy, 1(1) 1-7.
- Khatib, S. F. A. , Abdullah, D. F., Kabara A. S., Hazaea, S. A., & Rajoo, T. S. (2020). “Does Debts have any Impact on Governance Bundle and Agency Costs? Over-Governance Hypothesis”. Technium Social Sciences Journal, 9(1), 384-396.