This is the Research Publications list for the year 2023
Last update: 30/12/2023
- Khatib, S. F. A. (2023) The role of share repurchases for firms’ social and environmental sustainability, Social and Environmental Accountability Journal, DOI: 10.1080/0969160X.2023.2281904
- Kazemi, M. Z., Elamer, A. A., Theodosopoulos, G., & Khatib, S. F. (2023). “Reinvigorating research on sustainability reporting in the construction industry: A systematic review and future research agenda”. Journal of Business Research, 167, 114145. [Q1: IF: 11.94]
- Fayad, A. A.S., Ariff A. H. B. M., Chern, O. S., Ahmi A. & Khatib, S. F. (2023). “Towards Concise Reporting through Integrated Reporting: A Bibliometric Review” Meditari Accountancy Research. [Accepted on 01/08/2023]
- Al Amosh, H., Khatib, S.F.A., Mansour, M. & Alodat, A.Y. (2023) “Environmental, social and governance performance disclosure and market value: Evidence from Jordan”, Business Perspectives and Research. In Press. [Scopus]
- Al Amosh, H., Khatib, S. F., & Ananzeh, H. (2023) “Terrorist attacks and environmental social and governance performance: Evidence from cross‐country panel data”. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, In Press. [Q1, IF: 8.4]
- Lai F. W., Shad M. K., Khatib S.F. A. & Ali S. E. A. “Assessing the implementation of sustainable development goals: Does integrated reporting matter?”, Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal. 14(1), 49-74. [Q1: IF: 3.94]
- Khatib, S. F., Ismail, I. H., Salameh, N., Abbas, A. F., Bazhair, A. H., & Sulimany, H. G. H. (2023). Carbon Emission and Firm Performance: The Moderating Role of Management Environmental Training. Sustainability, 15(13), 10485. [Q2, IF:3.88]
- Fayad, A.A.S., Binti Mohd Ariff, A.H., Ooi, S.C., Ahmi, A. and Khatib, S.F.A. (2023), “Towards concise reporting through integrated reporting: a bibliometric review”, Meditari Accountancy Research, In Press. [Q2, IF: 3.7]
- Alodat, A. Y., Al Amosh, H., Khatib, S. F., & Mansour, M. (2023). Audit committee chair effectiveness and firm performance: The mediating role of sustainability disclosure. Cogent Business & Management, 10(1), 2181156. [Q3]
- Al Amosh, H., & Khatib, S. F. (2023). ESG performance in the time of COVID-19 pandemic: cross-country evidence. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30, 39978–3999. [Q2, IF:5.35]
- Ananzeh, H., Al Shbail, M. O., Al Amosh, H., Khatib, S. F., & Abualoush, S. H. (2023). “Political connection, ownership concentration, and corporate social responsibility disclosure quality (CSRD): empirical evidence from Jordan”. International Journal of Disclosure and Governance, 20(1), 83-98. [Q3]
- Igwe, M. N., Khatib, S. F. A., & Bazhair, A. H. (2023). “Sustainability reporting in Africa: A systematic review and agenda for future research. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management”. In Press. [Q1, IF: 8.4]
- Kabara, A. S., Abdullah, D. F., Khatib, S. F. A., Bazhair, A. H., & Al Amosh, H. (2023). Moderating Role of Governance Regulatory Compliance on Board Diversity and Voluntary Disclosure of Non-Financial Firms in a Developing Country. Sustainability, 15(5), 4527. [Q2, IF: 3.4]
- Al Amosh, H., & Khatib, S. F. (2023) COVID‐19 impact, financial and ESG performance: Evidence from G-20 countries. Business Strategy & Development, In Press. [Q2]
- Khatib, S. F. A., Hamzeh Al Amosh, and Husam Ananzeh. (2023). “Board Compensation in Financial Sectors: A Systematic Review of Twenty-Four Years of Research” International Journal of Financial Studies 11(3), 92. [Q2]
- Alkurdi, A., Almarayeh, T., Bataineh, H., Al Amosh, H., & Khatib, S. F. (2023). Corporate profitability and effective tax rate: the moderating role of board gender diversity. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research. In Press. [Q3]
- Alkurdi, A., Al Amosh, H. and Khatib, S.F.A. (2023), “The mediating role of carbon emissions in the relationship between the board attributes and ESG performance: European evidence”, EuroMed Journal of Business, In Press. [Q2]
- Alodat, A.Y., Al Amosh, H., Alorayni, O. Khatib, S.F.A. (2023) Does corporate sustainability disclosure mitigate earnings management: empirical evidence from Jordan. Int J Discl Gov .