Dr. OverbearingInterferer VS Dr. NeverSatisfied

Which classification that I belong to?

During my Master studies, I was supervised by a very caring and reliable mentor. His name is Prof. Takeda Masatoshi. He was an associate professor when he supervised me. His style of supervision as a whole are as follows

– Everyone must come to the lab 8 AM – 5 PM everyday
– Progress report every 2 weeks at 8 AM before class starts at 9 AM
– Lab and work stations must be cleaned on Mondays, every week.
– There will be seminars on published articles and books, every month.
– Lab trip (both overnight and day trip)
– BBQ activity every 2 months.

With this style, all our lab members performed in both studies and research. We were also awarded as the cleanest lab in the university.  We even set our annual lab trip to Malaysia, to attend my wedding, around 2 weeks I submitted my thesis!

On the other hand,  during my PhD studies, I was supervised by almost the opposite side of Prof. Takeda. His name is Assoc. Prof. Ito Mikio. Please do not get me wrong, I am not saying he supervised me poorly.

In fact, I managed to complete my PhD, secure a job in the industry, and even published articles in Q1 – Q2 journals under his supervision. For me, I am just having a reflection on how would I supervise my students in the near future. Both of my supervisors are great individuals, in their own way. They have their own characters too and so do I.

I am looking forward to attending my supervisees and discover myself, what kind of supervisor am I


2 responses to “Dr. OverbearingInterferer VS Dr. NeverSatisfied”

  1. Of course Dr. DiligentGenius! Looking forward to collaborating with you…

    1. farahliana Avatar

      Haha.. Anything good will do. May Allah ease our journey!