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Dr Farhana Abu Bakar

BA (English Language) (Universiti Putra Malaysia), Master of Applied Linguistics (English) (Universiti Putra Malaysia), PhD (Higher Education) (University of Otago, New Zealand)

Senior Lecturer

Language Academy, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, UTM Malaysia


About Farhana   

I am a recipient of the Recognised Associate Supervisor Award from the United Kingdom Council for Graduate Education and a senior lecturer at Language Academy, FSSH, UTM. I have recently returned to UTM after completing a one-year postdoctoral fellowship and serving as a visiting scholar at the University of Otago, New Zealand.

Previously, at Language Academy, UTM I served as the Postgraduate (Master and PhD- full research/generic) Program Coordinator for English Language and Communication. At the faculty level, I provided academic development support to postgraduate students under the Postgraduate Student Society (PGSS) as the head advisor.


I teach English Linguistics and Discourse Analysis to undergraduate Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) students, English Proficiency subjects to undergraduate students and Qualitative Research Method to postgraduate Master and PhD students.


My research interests and expertise lie at the intersection of language studies and higher education research. Specifically, my work focuses on sociolinguistics, discourse analysis, language education, and higher education. I am particularly interested in exploring language socialisation, with a focus on second language socialisation and academic discourse socialisation, within the context of postgraduate education.


Journal articles

Bakar, F. & Kumar, V. (2019). The use of humour in teaching and learning in higher education classrooms: Lecturers’ perspectives. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 40, 15-25. (ISI/SSCI: Q1)

Bakar, F. (2019). Appropriate and relevant humour in the university classroom. The European Journal of Humour Research7(4), 137-152. (Scopus)

Bakar, F. & Kumar, V. (2022). How students perceive the teacher’s use of humour and how it enhances learning in the classroom. The European Journal of Humour Research, 10 (4). 187-199. // (Scopus)

Zabiddin, N.S. & Bakar, F. (2022). English primary school teachers’ perceptions of green screens in teaching English. LSP International Journal, 9 (2), 97-107. (MyCite)

Palani, H. & Bakar, F. (2023). A case study on the use of humorous code-switching in Harith Iskander’s stand-up comedy shows. LSP International Journal, 10 (2), 13-26. (MyCite)

Touahmia, S., & Bakar, F. (2024). Attitudes of Algerian EMI and non-EMI lecturers and students toward English.
Higher Learning Research Communications, 14(0), 53–70. (Scopus)

Ramba, M., & Bakar, F. (2024). A case study of Malaysian radio announcers’ code-switching. LSP International Journal11(2), 69-82. (MyCite)

Book chapters

Singh, M.K.S., Bakar, F. (2024). Malaysia. In Kumar, V., Wald, N. (Eds.), Global Perspectives on Enhancing Doctoral Co-Supervision (pp. 41-50). Springer, Singapore.

Further information on other publications, grants and students

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