Fazliaty Edora bt Fadzli recently have received a Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science degree from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia by enhancing a life-size holographic telepresence framework with real-time 3D reconstruction for dynamic scene. She was offered a fast-track offer letter to a fulltime PhD study after receiving B.S. degree in Computer Science (Graphics and Multimedia) from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 2019 with first class honor. During Bachelor study at Faculty of Computing, she was one of the committee board student associations CGMA (HEMA) to lead the student computer graphics multimedia community in UTM. During her PhD study, she has been appointed as an instructor to teach CGMA committee the introduction to Augmented Reality (AR) and Unity3D software for Degree++ 2022 program. She also has involved in demonstrate UTMICON D.I.A.N.A during Research Open Day 2023 and showcasing real-time hologram called Holo-Dean during Amanat Dean Faculty of Computing Year 2023.
Name : Fazliaty Edora binti Fadzli
Office: N28-207-22, Faculty of Computing, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia
Email: fazliaty.edora@utm.my | edora.utm@gmail.com
- September 2019 – 2023 | Doctor of Philosophy (Computer Science) | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai Johor MALAYSIA
- September 2015 – 2019 | Bachelor of Computer Science (Graphics and Multimedia Software) | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai Johor MALAYSIA
- May 2014 – March 2015 | Foundation in Life Sciences | Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA
- XR (AR/VR/MR) Technology, Unity 3D, Computer Games, Computer Graphics
Experience with:
- Proficiency in Java/C++/C# programming
- Theoretical knowledge in computer science, including algorithms and data structures
- Familiarity with standard software engineering practices for version control, configuration management, testing
- Fundamental knowledge of real-time computer graphics software engineering technologies, methodologies, and practices
- Knowledge of UNITY game engine and Augmented Reality frameworks (ARToolkit / OSART / Vuforia / ARToolkitplus)
- Knowledge of object recognition, projected and vision-based computing
- Programming experience on Microsoft Windows platforms
- Experience with Web Application Frameworks
- Programming experience on mobile platforms such as Android and iOS
- Programming experience on desktop platforms such as Microsoft .NET framework
- Experience developing applications for Oculus, Leap Motion, Kinect, and AR/VR Technologies.
- Experience with UNITY and Unreal game engines

Recognition / Awards
- 2021 IEEE IAS 6th International Conference on Computing, Communication and
Automation (ICCCA) – Best Paper Award - Industry 4.0 Regional Conference 2020 (I4RC2020) – Best Paper Award
- Dean’s List Certificate for every Semester in Undergraduate study.
- Excellent Academic Dean Award 2016
- Professional Training Certificate for Degree++ Short Course in Augmented Reality
Application Development
Projects Involved / Supervise
- Life-size holographic telepresence with real-time 3D reconstruction
- VoxAR – 3D Modelling Editor Using Real Hands Gesture for Augmented Reality
- AUGMenu – Augmented Reality Restaurant Menu
- FightVR – Virtual Reality Wing Chun Martial Art game
- Collaborative Augmented Reality Interface – Enabling Multi-user Interaction
- Collaborative AR Interface – Enabling Multiplayer Networking
- Mixamo Animation – Three-Dimensional (3D) Animation
- 2D Game Kit with Unity3D
- Holographic Projection
- HoloChef – A 3D Culinary Guide With Real-time Voice Command And Holographic Display
- 3D Avatar With Multiplayer In Endless Runner Mobile Game
- Chemistry Lab Experiment Using Hand Interaction in Mixed Reality
- Collaborative 3D Modeling Editor in the Extended Reality
- Interactive Real-Time 3D Drawing Guide Using Hand Gestures in WebAR
- Human Pose Recognition for Yoga Posture in Web-Based Augmented Reality
- Traditional Game using Hand Gestures in Hologram
- Web-based Gamified e-Portfolio Platform