TUBITAK Grants Fellowship for Visiting Scientist and Scientist on Sabbatical Leave

Salam & Greetings,

Dear Researchers,

TUBITAK – Fellowship for Visiting Scientist and Scientist on Sabbatical Leave 

Fellowship Description:

The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) grants fellowships for international scientists/researchers who would like to give workshops/conferences/lectures, or conduct R&D activities in Turkey in the fields of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technological Sciences, Medical Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities. The program aims to promote Turkey’s scientific and technological collaboration with countries of the prospective fellows.

Three types of a visit are granted within this program:

Visiting Scientists/researchers on Short-term (up to 1 month):

Short-term fellowships fund is available for the following activities in Turkey:

  • Conducting workshops/conferences/seminars etc.
  • Giving tutorials/lectures etc.
  • Participating in R&D activities
  • Organizing technical meetings for scientific and technological collaboration

Visiting Scientists/researchers on Long-term (up to 12 months):

Long-term fellowships fund is available for the following activities in Turkey:

  • Conducting research and development (R&D)
  • Teaching graduate/undergraduate courses etc.

Scientists/researchers on SABBATICAL LEAVE (from 3 months to 12 months):

Scholars or academic staff on SABBATICAL LEAVE planning to come to any Turkish university/institution is also funded for the following activities in Turkey:

  • Conducting research and development (R&D)
  • Teaching graduate/undergraduate courses etc.

Requirements for Beneficiaries:

  • Fellows can be a citizen of any country.
  • Fellows should have a PhD degree (or equivalent) or have at least five years of research experience
  • Fellows should be invited by a hosting institution in TURKEY, which can be universities, research institutions, or industrial companies with an R&D unit.
  • Fellows on Sabbatical leave should be invited for a duration of at least 3 months.

Fellowship Details:

Support amount for the short duration (Short durations considered as applications with less than 30 days)
For the academician with the Professorship title maximum 220 TL/day
For the academician with the Assoc. Prof. title maximum 180 TL/day
For the academician with the Assist. Prof. title maximum 147 TL/day

A monthly stipend for Visiting Scientists (The amount of the monthly stipend will be determined based on the academic titles of fellows.) 
For the academician with the Professorship title maximum 6500 TL/month
For the academician with the Assoc. Prof. title maximum 5400 TL/month
For the academician with the Assist. Prof. title maximum 4400 TL/month

A monthly stipend for Visiting Scientists on Sabbatical Leave (The amount of the monthly stipend will be determined based on the academic titles of fellows.)
For the academician with the Professorship title maximum 8750 TL/month
For the academician with the Assoc. Prof. title maximum 7500 TL/month
For the academician with the Assist. Prof. title maximum 6250 TL/month

How to Apply:

Applications should be submitted by host scientist/institution.

All applications must be submitted electronically via TÜBİTAK application portal, which can be reached at http://e-bideb.tubitak.gov.tr/. All required documents must also be uploaded electronically.

Application Deadlines:

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

Find a hosting institution

Please visit the following web sites to find hosting institutions/scientists in Turkey.

R&D centers in Turkey

Universities in Turkey

Thank you.
Best Regards,