WEBP offers rich, high-quality images and it combines and improves the best qualities of the JPEG and PNG formats by providing advanced lossy and lossless compression developed by Google

By using the (.webp) format for the web, :-

  • Increases website performance. The WebP format is more lightweight compared to JPEG and PNG. Smaller image file sizes will increase the loading speeds of a site.
  • Saves more bandwidth. Bandwidth is the rate at which your server can transfer data to your end-users within a specific time. WebP can free up bandwidth space, allowing websites to offer more content.
  • Increases search engine optimization (SEO). Increased page speed due to more lightweight images will positively affect site ranking in search engines like Google.
  • Show high-quality images. You don’t need to sacrifice image quality for faster loading speed. With WebP, you can have the best of both worlds and improve your site’s user experience.
  • Show various types of images. WebP supports both transparent and animated images.