Reinforced Concrete Design I


This is a core course which will provide an understanding and ability to analyze and design reinforced concrete structural elements.  Among the topics discussed are objective and methods of design, code of practice, analysis and design of sections for moments and shear, checking for deflection and cracking, durability and detailing requirements, design of simply supported and continuous beams, and design of one way and two way restrained simply supported slab. Furthermore the students will be exposed to the concept of prestressed concrete which covers topics on principle and methods of prestressing, stress limit, losses and selection of section.

Course Learning Outcomes


Course Learning Outcomes


Outcomes (PO)

Complex Problems (CL)

Complex Ativities (CA)

Knowledge Profiles (KP)

Bloom Taxanomy



Define the concept, procedure and objective of structural design and describe the basic requirements of reinforced and prestressed concrete design.


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A, T, F


Analyze and design of reinforced concrete beams and slabs, and produce detailing for the elements  –  –



A, T, F


Propose a suitable structural layout plan for typical building floors and prepare a concise and optimum beam and slab design calculation from a given architectural drawing and produce detailing for the elements.







Apply ethical standard in professional practice and social interactions


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 Note:  (A – Assignment; T – Test ; PR – Project ; Q – Quiz ; Pr – Presentation; F – Final Exam)

Teaching Methodology

1. Basic design philosophies and the use of code of practice will be demonstrated.
2. Students will be required to write reports and/or discussed an on-going or completed design project.
3. Students are required to go through the given tutorials.
4. Students are required to produce design project in groups.


1. STANDARDS MALAYSIA. MS EN 1990 (2010). Eurocode: Basis of structural design. MS, 2010 1a. Malaysia National Annex to Eurocode”. Malaysian Standards.
2. STANDARDS MALAYSIA. MS EN 1991 (2010). Eurocode 1: Actions on structures. MS, 2010 2a. Malaysia National Annex to Eurocode 1″. Malaysian Standards.
3. STANDARDS MALAYSIA. MS EN 1992 (2010). Eurocode 2-Part 1-1: Design of concrete structures- General Rules and Rules for Buildings MS, 2010 3a. Malaysia National Annex to Eurocode 2″. Malaysian Standards.
4. Mosley, B., Bungey, J. & Hulse R. (2007). Reinforced Concrete Design to Eurocode 2″. 6thEdition. Palgrave McMillan.
5. The Institution of Structural Engineers/The Concrete Centre/British Concrete Association (2006). Manual for the Design of Concrete Building Structures to Eurocode 2″. IStrutE.
6. Goodchild, C. H. (2009). Worked Examples to Eurocode 2″. Volume 1. The Concrete Centre.
7. Narayanan, R. S., & Goodchild, C. H. (2006). Concise Eurocode 2″. The Concrete Centre.
8. The Institution of Structural Engineers/The Concrete Centre/DTI (2006). Standard Method of Detailing Structural Concrete”. 3rd Edition. IStructE.
9. Brooker, O. et. al. (2006). How to Design Concrete Structures using Eurocode 2″. The Concrete Centre.
10. Reynold, C. E., Steedman, J. C. & Threlfall, A. J. (2007). Reinforced Concrete Designer’s Handbook”. 11th Edition. Taylor & Francis.
11. Laws of Malaysia (2003). Uniform Building By-Laws 1984″. International Law Book Services.
12. Bhatt, P., MacGinley, T. J., & Choo, B. S. (2006). Reinforced Concrete, Design Theory and Examples. 3rd Edition. Taylor & Francis.

My Students

For my students, click here to download the Course Outline and Lecture Materials