Dr. Jamilah Mahmood is a senior lecturer in the Software Engineering Department at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. With a passion for Social Informatics research, she has dedicated her career to advancing knowledge in Information Systems field of study. Through her commitment to teaching, research, and collaboration, she is driven to create a substantial impact within the realm of Information Systems Disciplines.
Alongside her position as a senior lecturer, Dr. Jamilah Mahmood is also honored to take on the role of Coordinator for the Final Year Project (FYP) in the international franchise program at Qaiwan International University, Kurdistan, Iraq. In this capacity, she is dedicated to providing guidance and mentorship to students as they navigate their FYP experience, nurturing innovation and the practical resolution of real-world challenges.
- Ph.D. in Information System, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
- M.Sc. in Science (Information Technology Management), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
- B.Sc. in Computer Science (Database System), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
e-collaboration, e-learning and knowledge sharing behavior
Google Scholar Link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=new_articles&hl=en&imq=JAMILAH+MAHMOOD#
Awards and Achievements:
- Bronze Award in NALI Exhibition & Competition for the Innovation “Recommendations to Increase Instructors’ Participate Rate in MOOC” (NALI 2020)
- Best Paper Award in 4th International Conference on Research & Innovation in Information System (ICRIIS 2017), Paper Title: “Researcher’s Participation in e-collaboration”
- Pro-Chancellor’s Award based on excellent academic achievement in conjunction with the 51st UTM Convocation (2013)
- Best Postgraduate Student Award – Master of Science (Information Technology Management)
- Masters Research or PhD student supervision
- Collaborative projects