Assalamualaikum and a very good day to all of you wonderful people out there. I’m back again with another posting on my blog regarding on the topic of NALI 2019. Probably you guys don’t even know what is NALI and what it means to all of academic staff in UTM. Yes..don’t worry, I myself not a Lecturer you can call Dr., Professor or anything related to it. But if you reading this blog as a regular person who works 8-5 every day except Friday & Saturday (because off-day in Johor are on that day), then I would like to convey my heartiest thanks to all of you. You are my sunshine and my rainbow! Well what I’m about to share with you in this posting is another video project from the previous event that we called NALI (New Academia Learning Innovation) back in Septembre 2019. Click on the link to know more. So my duty after completing the closing montage video (Keranamu Malaysia Video Clip) click on the link to know more, was to capture the event highlight by using subsidized equipment from a friend of mine. Imagine that, even the camera, lens, gimbal, sd card was subsidized!
Please don’t get me wrong on those issue! I really wanted to show something different to socmed viewers out there. That’s why I’m using gimbal, mirrorless camera, wide angle lens in this video highlight. Though I think it’s great to use a gimbal, there were also drawback when you hold it for too long, then you will start to feel the pain on your right hand. Pheww..I need to tell my boss to get 1 one of those Feiyu Tech AK4500 and its dual bar. Heh..I have a very great plan onwards.
So, I hope you enjoy watching the video highlight. Till we meet again. Toodle oo!