Assalamualaikum, hello everyone! We meet again in a fresh new post 🙂 My 1st activity for today after slide in at the office was going to a Website WordPress Training For UTM Staff by Dr. Zaki Yamana Zakaria. Click on his name to view the post.

I must confess though, while I can categorize myself as a veteran in blogging, there are some other things which has got me overlooked over the past years. And I think the most important part I may have forgotten was SEO or what netizens call it Search Engine Optimization. But that’s the good thing though when you work in a company such as UTM. you may have as well got the invitation from the training department to join a Website WordPress Training For UTM Staff by someone expert in this field. But first, you must apply for the training which they sent an invitation through your inbox!

Why do you even want to go for a Website WordPress Training For UTM Staff?

That is one good question! 🙂 Well, other than to fulfilling the CPD point which is vital in your appraisal form and UTM called it as LNPT (Laporan Nilaian Prestasi Tahunan) it is good to know that sometimes you need to refresh your mind such as this course. Well I may consider myself a veteran in blogging but there are other things that are more important; to rank your website higher than before. That’s where the SEO stuff kicked in to get things to work even better. And the best thing is…I never activate those plugin! 🙂 arghhh!!

So here are some of the strategies I have learned from this course that may help you in achieving a better rank in Google.

keyword strategy
1. Title
2. 1st para include Title with bold text
3. next para also include Title with italic formatting
4. then continue para with underline formatting
5. Image also included same Title <name.jpg>
6. Outbound and Inbound links = Outbound = insert link from external website to your post / Inbound = insert personal link e.g. socmed

Jeffri Rahman
Producer | Editor | Blogger | Youtuber