Hello again to all of my beloved visitors here on my personal blog! I’m so excited to see you guys again in this digital domain though I have not been updated any new posting lately, or perhaps, since beginning January 2021! I am truly sorry for this because I have lots of tasks to do. And that is why it’s been difficult for me to write even a single word in this blog of mine. Well, here I am continuing my journey of multimedia production works at the office as usual, I hope…
Since the beginning of Covid 19 pandemic, a lot has changed in operational activites in UTM. One of the annual event that usually occurs physically, Anugerah Citra Karisma has now being held online. And usually they have live performances by UTM Combo to entertain participants during the event. With that being said, the event still continue online via Webex and also Facebook together with performances pre recorded at our own video studio here in UTMLead. So this is where it gets excited…
Wow…they really know how to find US!
Of all the wonders of galaxy…they really know where to find a place with studio facility decent enough to record their performances.
The department responsible for live performance, recording & mixing is called Unit Kebudayaan UTM where at that time they have this guy, Adib, a talented young man who have been given responsibility to rearrange songs like Menang Bersama by Datuk Mokhzani, Kita Jaga Kita by Neo and Lindung Diri Lindung Semua by Sundara Raj. I am truly honoured to work with his team during the video recording production. From what I’ve heard he got a Degree from UPSI in the Faculty of Music and Performing Arts. And that’s a rare degree to know where I work at…a University that focused on Science and Technology courses! Yes…and they have people like me and my team which they called creative multimedia department in UTMLead that always…I repeat, always focused on teaching & learning related materials. Yes…it’s kinda cute and confusing right?
So the shooting start from morning till lunch time with 3 takes per song. We use 2 cameras, one is Sony A7III and Canon 5d MKIII. We did 3 takes per song so I could have different angle during editing in Final Cut Pro using multicam technique which simplifies editing workflow. Yes…and it works perfectly using this method. A colleague of mine asked why I’m not using Blackmagic switcher for the video shooting…and I said to him, that would interrupt the creative process of shooting during the production. What I’d like to do is move freely from one talent to another by following the music….so I know where is the intro, solo, bridge, chorus…that sort of thing. For me Blackmagic switcher works best for live production with cameras on tripod. I’m relying on a Manfrotto monopod which I borrowed from a friend during the production works.
So I thought, maybe because of the facility and equipment that we have..that was the reason they chose our department for the music video shooting. We even lent them our Yamaha HS8 monitor speaker connected to their interface for the drummer to listen audio click track for syncing with the tempo. But…the real deal was…it’s only part of the video recording production. They program the drum session within Logic Pro X itself. So no tracking of drum recording were made during the video production.
So, I hope you enjoy listening to the song and the video production & post production works by our team.
Thank you
Jeffri Rahman
Producer | Editor | Blogger