is the day where all of our staff gathered together once again for a Pre Raya photo shoot session. This year we took the liberty to do it in a different place. Well it’s because we have been shooting at the same place every freakin year and it feels boring anyway, and Tasik UTM is the place to go! So we took our car in the parking lot and drove to the location. I can’t believe I just drove two minutes to get there!   …you see UTMLead is not far away from the lake of UTM but it would be best to drive rather than to walk, nanti berpeluh pulak baju raya baru tu kan.., dahlah nak photo shoot…omaigad!! 

But to me personally, I still feel the same ol’ skool kind of photo shoot because…I don’t know. Is it because our framing, our style, or our energy that makes it look darn ‘common’ in every single click? I think..maybe it’s because we don’t have the right person to choreograph the scene before the shooting take place. Just like in filming production, there is this  guy who do Direction of Photography to make sure the motion picture looks good on the monitor. And if the screen tells the Director that the photography direction does not satisfy his/her vision, then you’ll be dead!! I really hope that one day we will get that ‘perfect moment in a perfect frame’ once in a lifetime. And oh by the way, these are some of the photos took by our office mate with their smartphone. I leave you with another two photos from our Photographer. he did a good job. Really! Maybe it’s just me who wants something more.

We are family 😉

Yes. We hold truth to each other. 🙂

Allright guys, see you soon on the next entry.


Jeffri Rahman
Producer | Editor | Blogger