Short course on nuclear physics (SCNP)


The aim of this program is to provide students with an broad overview of research work in both fundamental and applied  nuclear physics. We have two invited speakers, namely Prof. Emeritus Dr. Philippe Quentin from University of Bordeaux and Prof. Emeritus Dr. Hiroyasu Ejiri from Osaka University.

Prof. Quentin will speak on research work in theoretical nuclear physics, with emphasis on nuclear structure studies. Do expect lots of symbols and equations, and of course, it will be best to recall what you have learnt in your quantum mechanic class. Prof. Ejiri will share about his research in the field of high-energy particle physics for e.g. in topics related to double beta decay and muon capture experiments. There will also be speakers from our home institution to share some insight to their current research work, namely Prof. Ahmad Termizi (environmental radiation), Prof. Husin Wagiran (radiation dosimetry), Assoc. Prof. Wan Saridan (medical physics) and Assoc. Prof. Suhairul Hashim (nuclear safety).

This will be a good opportunity for 3rd year students to “scout” for potential supervisors for the upcoming undergraduate research project while final year students may potentially find some interesting research topics for postgraduate studies. Other students and staffs are very much welcomed to attend the talk.

P/s: Do take note that the venue for the talk may changed. This will be confirmed and announced at a later date.

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