Welcoming Session for Students Sit In Teaching Practice Program from UPGRIS Semarang

Yesterday, on July 11, 2018, a welcoming session was held for students who are participating in Students Sit In Teaching Practice Program from UPGRIS Semarang. All students from UPGRIS Semarang will attend the International Teaching Training Program at SMK Skudai Johor, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. 




Citra Karisma is an Excellent Award and Appreciation Ceremony which will be held in UTM once in a year. So, this year (2018), my colleagues and I has received a publication award! Alhamdulillah and thanks to the Almighty Allah for giving us the opportunity to get such a wonderful and meaningful achievement. We are so excited and very thankful. It is such an honor for us! Here I share some of our joyous moment at Citra Karisma 2018! 

Date: July 10, 2018

Venue: Dewan Sultan Iskandar, UTM Johor Bahru

AgEd2 Malaysia Study Tour 2018

On 09 July 2018, School of Education, Faculty of Social Science and Humanities has received delegation of the AgEd2 Malaysia Tour Program. The institutions involved in this study tour are; PennState University, Hawkeye Community College and School of Education UTM JB. AgEd2 Malaysia Study Tour was funded by U.S Department of Educational Fullbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad Grant. 

Date: 09 July 2018

Venue: Seminar Room

Appreciation Ceremony & Hari Raya Celebration 2018

The School of Education, Faculty of Social Science and Humanity has organised Appreciation Ceremony and Hari Raya Celebration. I think it is not too late for me to wish all of you Happy Eid Mubarak 1439H. May Allah shower countless blessing upon you and your family. Here are some of the photo of the day… 

Date: 09 July 2018

Venue: Seminar Room & Bunga Lawang Restaurant, FSSH, UTM

UTM Synergy 4.0 to merge faculties

UTM tunjuk komitmen positif dalam Audit MyRA

UTM Terima Geran Penyelidikan Kontrak bernilai RM2.5 juta

UTM- Synergy 4.0: A New Synergy Horizon

Yesterday, 01 July 2018 is the day where all the faculties in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia undergo a new transformation where some of the faculties are merged. Thus, name for each faculties also has changes. Following are the details of the heart of transformation, new UTM’s faculties and dean’s of each faculties.  


Innovative, Entrepreneurial, Global

Welcoming Session for International Sit In Teaching Training Program

On 01 July 2018, the School of Education, Faculty of Social Science and Humanities received two groups of students from Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta and Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi, Indonesia for the International Sit In Teaching Training Program. This program is in collaboration with SK Desa Skudai and SMK Desa Skudai, Johor Bahru. 

Date: 01 July 2018

Venue: Meeting Room,  School of Education, Faculty of Social Science and Humanities