Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

List of Patent Pending

1 Title: New Prognostics Index to Detect the Severity of Asthma
PI Number: PI 20131220181
Role: Main Inventor
2 Title: Development of Decision Support System to Screen Potential Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator (ICD) Receiver
PI Number: PI 20131121119
Role: Main Inventor
3 Title: A System for Continuous Speech Recognition
PI Number: PI 2011003410
Role: Main Inventor
4 Title: A Respiratory Carbon Dioxide Measuring System For Human
PI Number: PI 2015700073
Role: Main Inventor
5 Title: A Device for Monitoring Asthma Severity
PI Number: PI 2018700454
Role: Main Inventor
6 Title: Respiratory Carbon Dioxide Device to Monitor Asthma Severity Using Mainstream Technology while Administering Nebulizer
Reference Number: IP/PT/2017/1066
Role: Main Inventor