
Conference and Industry Presentations

Invited Speaker – Pulse Detonation Engines Development, Asian Fluid Machinery Committee AFMC Forum, Jiangsu University, Nanjing, China, October 2016.

Invited Speaker – Pulse Detonation Engines Development at High-Speed Reacting Flow Laboratory, UTM, Workshop Detonation for Propulsion (IWDP) at National University of Singapore, Singapore, July 2016.

Plenary Lecture – Experimental Study of Confined Biogas Pulse Detonation Combustion, International Meeting on the Advances of Thermofluids IMAT 2009, 16-17 November 2009, Bogor, Indonesia.

Invited Speaker, Issues on Using Biomass as Solid Fuel: Palm Waste as the Case Study for Malaysia, Workshop on the ASEAN-US Next Generation Cook Stove, at ASEAN Institute of Technology, 17 – 20 November 2009, Bangkok, Thailand. Workshop organized by US Agency for International Development & NSF Pennsylvania State University, USA.

Plenary Lecture – Rotating Supersonic Combustion Engies as an Efficient Energy Conversion System, International Meeting on the Advances of Thermofluids IMAT 2018, November 2018, Bali, Indonesia.

Technical Talk, Heat Transfer for Electronic Cooling, Dyson Manufacturing Sdn Bhd, Senai Johor, 30th May 2016.

Journal Editorships

Chief Editor for the International Meeting for the Advancement of Thermofluids (IMAT 2017) Conference Proceeding, 2017.

Chief Editor for the International Meeting for the Advancement of Thermofluids (IMAT 2014) Conference Proceeding, 2014.

Editor of the 1st International Conference on Mechanical and Transportation Engineering ICMTE ’15 Conference Poceeding, 23 – 25 April 2015, Kuala Lumpur.

Editor of the 6th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Heat and Mass Transfer FLUIDSHEAT ‘ 15 Conference Proceeding, 23 – 25 April 2015, Kuala Lumpur.

Editor of the 9th International Conference on Renewable Energy Sources – RES ’15 Conference Proceeding, 23 – 25 April 2015, Kuala Lumpur.

Chief Editor of the Seventh International Meeting in Advances of Thermofluids (IMAT 7th) Conference Proceeding on the 26-27th of November 2014 at Swiss Garden Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.

Chief Editor of the First International Conference on Energy and Thermal Sciences (ICETS) Conference Proceeding, 1st October 2014, Skudai, Johor.

Chief Editor for the publication of Applied Mechanic and Materials, Trans Tech Publications, 2013, ISSN: 1660-9336.

Chief Editor for American Institute of Physics CP1440, American Institute of Physics, Springer (2012), Part 2. American Institute of Physics Inc., ISSN: 0094-243X (Scopus and ISI Indexed)

Chief Editor for American Institute of Physics CP1225, American Institute of Physics, Springer (2012), Part 2. American Institute of Physics Inc., ISSN: 0094-243X (Scopus and ISI Indexed)

Chief Editor for International Journal of Energy and Thermofluids Sciences (IJETS), a journal established by UTM, NUS and UI from series of IMAT conferences.

Board of Editors for JOMAse The Journal of Ocean, Mechanical and Aerospace-Science and Engineering with ISSN: 2354-7065.

Board of Editors for CFD Letters – An International Journal, ISSR, ISSN: 2180-1363, since 2010.

Editor for the Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (JMET) Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, 2009.

Editor for the Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Penerbit UTM, 2008.

Editor for the International Meeting for the Advancement of Thermofluids (IMAT) Conference Proceeding, 2008.

Editor for the Asian International Conference for Fluid Machinery Conference Proceeding, 2009.

Editor for the Advances in Thermofluids, Penerbit UTM, 2008.