Fluid Mechanics
This course is designed to introduce and apply the concepts of Fluid Mechanics (fluid statics and kinematics, forces and flow in closed conduits, pipe networks and centrifugal pumps) and to solve problems related to Civil Engineering. It encompasses topics such as fluid statics and fluid dynamics. The pressures and forces in these static and dynamic fluids are introduced, discussed and analysed through equations. It also covers upon the analyses of flows in closed conduits to include minor and major head losses, and pipe networks in a water supply system. The performance characteristics, functions and applications of centrifugal pumps in pipeline systems are also demonstrated and analysed in this course.

Hydraulics is one of the major disciplines of civil engineering. This course introduces the concepts of open channel fluid flow and their applications in hydraulics engineering problems. It covers various aspects of open channel hydraulics including types of open channel flow, design of channel section dimensions, uniform and non-uniform steady flows. Dimensional analysis and the principle of hydraulic similitude in physical modelling are also included. At the end of the course, students should be able to apply the knowledge in solving civil engineering hydraulics problems.

Civil Engineering Laboratory 1
This subject consists of workshops and experiments which are designed to expose students essential problem solving and experimental techniques. Most of the generic attributes that the students must develop at the University are acquired through the laboratory experiments and researches. Laboratory sessions are able to strengthen the students to relate the fundamental theories with laboratory experiments in the field of hydraulics and fluid mechanics engineering. Each student will experiences data collections and performs data analysis and result interpretations. Application of the experimental results to the real civil engineering problem will be highlighted. Upon completion of the course, students are expected to be able to perform laboratory experimental work to develop the techniques of conducting measurements, data analysis and interpret results in written report, and to develop generic attributes and enhance their ability to participate effectively in a laboratory environment and be able to work as part of a team.

Hydraulic Structures
The hydraulic structures focuses on the design, analysis, and construction of structures that control and manage water flow. These structures are essential for water resource management, flood control, irrigation, and hydropower generation. This course covers common types of hydraulic structures that are designed to control or transmit and to maintain water levels in stream or channels. These structures include dam, dam outlet works, spillways, energy dissipators, intake structures, river diversion works, weirs, barrages, hydropower and pumping stations. It is related to fluid mechanics and hydraulics and the understanding on subject matters will be further enhanced through refined information and procedures that are detailed out in relevant standard code of practice and design manual.
River Engineering
This course is designed to introduce the theory and practices in river engineering. It covers open channel hydraulics, fluvial dynamics and morphology, engineering surveys in rivers, river flow measurement and sediment samplings. Other topics in the course are sediment motion, natural channels design, flow resistance in rigid and mobile channels and transportation of bed load, suspended load and total load in open channels. At the end of the course, topic on stabilization and rectification of rivers is also discussed in class.
The students should be able to understand the dynamics of fluvial system and mechanics of sediment transportation in rivers. They are also introduced to design of natural channels and practices for stabilization and rectification works in river engineering.
Integrated Design Project 1
Integrated Design Project 1 is tailored to encourage students to explore the inception and conceptual planning stage of a civil engineering development project. The subject focuses on basic civil engineering infrastructure design of a mixed development project given to students working in groups. Such exercise includes actual earthwork designs yielding practical proposed levels, evaluating, and proposing practical erosion and sedimentation control measures as well as designing a practical external water reticulation network. An integral part of this exercise is the cost estimating process that students need to apply in arriving at the final proposed ‘Grading Plan’. This helps the students to appreciate design cost relationship.