“Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.”
― Marcus Aurelius,Life is full of colours.. Look at it with positivity always..
If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas. — George Bernard Shaw
This positive message ran counter to the widespread belief that reviewers are evil, that resources are limited, and that extensive lecturing is necessary. Therefore, there is a requirement for privacy. Some of the initial comments from people who dared to respond anonymously claimed that I was an exception due to my overly positive outlook, naivety, and Pollyannaish tendencies.
Academics who enjoy greater happiness and have greater success
The following is a short list of the reasons why I believe that we ought to take pride in the work that we do. These advantages consist of the possibility to pursue our passions with a certain degree of independence, the ability to interact with bright young brains in the shape of students, and the fulfilment that comes from contributing to the larger good of society.
No, life isn’t always a bed of roses, but it certainly has its share of beautiful and even excellent times. This industry has, in fact, developed in a variety of ways, both positively and negatively. And without a doubt, if you were to see me in person three times out of every five days, you would go away with a completely different impression. To get the most out of life, zero in on the aspects that appeal to you and make an effort to improve the areas that don’t.
In The Name of God for Mankind
UTM DNA includes teamwork, ukhwah (networking), knowledge culture, integrity, passion, entrepreneurship, taqwa, and amal (good faith).
UTM’S Core Values
Integrity calls for adherence to sound moral values and strong ethical principles. This noble virtue must be internalised in our heart and soul, and manifested in our loyalty, character, conduct, deeds and action with wisdom and trustworthiness.
Integriti memerlukan pematuhan kepada nilai-nilai moral dan prinsip etika yang kukuh. Sifat terpuji ini mesti dihayati dalam hati dan jiwa dan dimanifestasikan melalui kesetiaan, peribadi, tingkah laku, perbuatan dan tindakan secara hikmah dan amanah.
Synergy instills team spirit, togetherness, inclusivity, collegiality, respect, humility, cooperation and collaboration. It also cultivate selflessness, resulting from care and concern for others above self, while embracing diversity and appreciating differences. It also embodies empathy, the ability to share someone’s feelings or experiences by walking in that person’s situation.
Sinergi menanamkan semangat berpasukan, kebersamaan, keterangkuman, keserakanan, kepercayaan, hormat menghormati, keluhuran budi dan kerjasama mengatasi kepentingan sendiri, di samping menghargai kepelbagaian dan perbezaan.
Excellence towards high performance and delivery will result in outstanding and remarkable achievement in all aspects of teaching, learning, research, innovation, commercialisation and provision of services.https://www.utm.my/about/vision-mission/