UTM Meets Global Standards In Agriculture Practice (MyGAP)

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mfrahmat : Dec 31, 2019 : UTM Newshub

The Innovation Centre in Agritechnology for Advanced Bioprocessing (ICA), handing over certification of MyGap by Mr Rosdin Muar Agriculture Office Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Pagoh had received The Malaysian Good Practice Agriculture Practices (MyGAP) certification presented by Mr. Rosdin Kimin, Agriculture Officer from Muar District Agriculture Office on 3rd December 2019. Receiving the MyGAP certification on behalf of UTM was Dr. Umi Aisah Asli, Deputy Director of ICA, UTM Pagoh witnessed by members of ICA Research Farm Unit and Mr. Kamal Alif, MyGAP Advisor representing Panchor Agriculture Office.

MyGAP certification was launched by The Malaysian Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry (MoA). It is an internationally recognized standard that aims to ensure the safety and quality of produce in the food chain. The certificate also emphasizes on sustainable and ethical farming practices.

“This is good news for ICA UTM Pagoh”, said Dr. Umi Aisah. “With MyGAP, consumers of our products will not only be sure that the fresh produce from ICA is safe for consumption, at reasonable prices and produced in a sustainable way,” she added.

Currently, the number of farms with MyGAP certification is still considered low nationwide, less than 10% of the total acreage of vegetable-farm in Malaysia. UTM is the first Public University with MyGAP certification for its research farm in Pagoh Higher Education Hub.