Detecting external gamma radiation from terrestrial layer – Isodos Project Malaysia 2014
Assalamualaikum and hello everyone.
Hmm.. it is a good start and an acceptable point to start my introduction. Well it has been a long time i didn’t publicise about my life to other and yet this is not a platform for me to do it as i will utilise it for education, skill and knowledge sharing and other good things too. So let’s get started.
My name is Mohamad Syazwan Mohd Sanusi, previously an undergraduate & postgraduate student in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). Literaly a newly recruited staff (June 2019) under Department of Physics, Faculty of Science UTM (formerly assigned as a lecturer in UTHM for about 1 month). Things seem to have stabilised a lot after precious 8 years of struggling to finish my bachelor, master and PhD and I am feeling much happier in myself and delighted to become one of the member of UTM community. From now on, i look forward to become a good scholar and strive to contribute a good service* to the university, community and at international level.
*good service = quality teaching, fruitful publication, profitable research grant, productive community services, and calibre leadership to warga UTM
#firstpost #dnaUTM #cominghome #getpublicise #foreverUTM
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