Discovering Myself

Hello and greetings to everyone!

I am Mohammad Hanif Hamden from the Department of Geoinformation, Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying (FABU). My area of expertise lies in Marine Geodesy and Hydrography. I have had the privilege of being a lecturer here for two semesters, starting in September 2022.

My motivation to pursue a career in teaching stems from my deep passion for sharing knowledge and assisting others in their learning and development. Joining the academic staff at UTM is a significant opportunity for me, as UTM has been the place where I have accumulated a wealth of experience and knowledge since my time in the Diploma program. It’s here that I have been able to instill the essence of UTMDNA in the younger generation.

I firmly believe that the teaching and learning process can be more enjoyable and effective when both lecturers and students foster a positive and comfortable learning environment.

My ultimate goal for my students is to see them evolve into valuable individuals with a strong knowledge foundation, as well as the ability to apply ethical principles and proper manners in their professional journeys.

In my teaching approach, I prioritize two-way communication and regularly hold Q&A sessions during classes. Additionally, I employ an e-learning system to offer supplementary learning materials, especially for more challenging subject matter.

Yours sincerely,
