1. Reviewer, 9th Regional Conference in Engineering Education (RCEE) and Research in Higher Education (RHEd) 2021 for paper entitled “Impact of Online Learning Towards Engineering Student’s Learning Motivation in Design Classes”, October 2021.
  2. Reviewer, Journal of Computer Applications in Engineering Education for paper entitled “Instructors’ Facilitation of Student Connections Support Students’ Success During Times of Crisis: A case comparison study”, September 2021.
  3. Reviewer, 8th Regional Conference in Engineering Education (RCEE) & Research in Higher Education (RHEd) 2020 for paper entitled “Constructive Alignment by Implementing Design Thinking Approach in Artificial Intelligence Course: Learners’ Experience”, July 2020.
  4. Reviewer, International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) – Special Issue for paper entitled “Implementation of Augmented Reality in Developing Teaching Aid for Kirchhoff’s Law”, September 2019.
  5. Reviewer, 7th World Engineering Education Forum (WEEF) 2017 for paper entitled “Implementation of Cooperative Learning to Enhance Student Learning in Well Stimulation Technique Class”, August 2017.
  6. Reviewer, 7th World Engineering Education Forum (WEEF) 2017 for paper entitled “An Educational Tool to Design an Exoskeleton Device for Rehabilitation Using Lego”, August 2017.
  7. Reviewer, 7th World Engineering Education Forum (WEEF) 2017 for paper entitled “The Role of Industries in Sustaining the TVET Teacher Education Programme in Malaysia Towards 21st Century”, August 2017.
  8. Reviewer, Journal of Computer Applications in Engineering Education for paper entitled “Incorporation of 3D ICT Elements into Class: Augmented Reality in Graphic Expression in Engineering”, December 2016.
  9. Reviewer, 8th International Conference on University Learning and Teaching (InCULT 2016) for paper entitled “Needs Analysis on the Development of an Interactive Pedagogical Module for Textile Studies in Visual Art Education”, November 2016.
  10. Reviewer, 8th International Conference on University Learning and Teaching (InCULT 2016) for paper entitled “Design & Develop of OSHCOTS: Proposed Virtual Safety Training for Malaysian Safety Learners”, November 2016.
  11. Reviewer, 6th Regional Conference in Engineering Education (RCEE) 2016 for paper entitled “Preliminary Study on the prominent skills in the entrepreneurial skillset in the context of civil engineering practice”, June 2016.
  12. Reviewer, 6th Regional Conference in Engineering Education (RCEE) 2016 for paper entitled “Using an analytic hierarchy process to develop Innovation DNA for Industry-oriented applications in mechanical design of vocational college students”, June 2016.
  13. Reviewer, 6th Regional Conference in Engineering Education (RCEE) 2016 for paper entitled “Integrated Course Design of the Introduction to Engineering Course”, June 2016.
  14. Reviewer, Journal of Computer Applications in Engineering Education for paper entitled “Engineering Education in the Context of Project-Based Approach and Competence Based Learning: Experiences and Case Studies”, February 2014.

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