Professor Ts. Dr. Mohd Hafiz Dzarfan Othman

External Examiner
- May 2021, External Examiner, Master of Engineering Science (Nur ‘Adilah binti Abdul Nasir) for the thesis entitled “Miscible Blend Of Polyethersulfone/Polyimide Membrane Crosslinked With Diamine For Hydrogen/ Carbon Dioxide Separation”, Universiti Malaya.
- Nov 2020, External Examiner, Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering (Wan Zulaisa Amira binti Wan Jusoh) for the thesis entitled “Study on The Interaction of the Thin Film Composite Membrane and Nylon 6,6 Substrate using Molecular Dynamic Simulations for Isopropanol Dehydration by Pervaporation”, Universiti Pahang Malaysia.
- Sept 2020, External Examiner, Doctor of Philosophy in Physics (Norhafizah binti Jusoh) for the thesis entitled “Mass Production of Carbon Nanotubes from Waste Cooking Palm Oil via Modified Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition and Its Application”, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris.
- April 2020, External Examiner, Master of Science (Shazana binti Mohd Senari) for the thesis entitled “Characterization of NiO-Ba(Ce,Zr)O3 Composite Anode for Proton Conducting Fuel Cell Application”, Universiti Teknologi Mara.
- March 2020, External Examiner, Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry (Sadia Bano) for the thesis entitled “Preparation and Characterization of Mixed Matrix Membranes of Lanthanide Based MOFs and Matrimid 5218 for Gas Separation”, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan.
- February 2020, External Examiner, Master of Science (Muhammad Fahmi bin Anuar) for the thesis entitled “Synthesis, Structural and Optical Properties of ZnO-SiO2 Composite Derived from Waste Coconut Husk”, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
- February 2020, External Examiner, Viva of Master of Engineering (Ramizah Liyana Jama-in) for the thesis entitled “Characterization and Optimization of Silver Nitrate (AgNO3) in Polysulfone Membrane against E. Coli”, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak.
- November 2019, External Examiner, Viva of Master in Chemical Engineering (Nurul Hazreen Wanie binti Hazmo) for the thesis entitled “Effect of Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 and Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube on Anti-Bacteria Activity and Performance of PVDF Nanocomposite Membrane for Water Treatment”, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
- Oct 2019, External Examiner, Viva of PhD in Chemical Engineering (Samsun Nahar) for the thesis entitled “Photocatalytic Degradation of Organic Pollutants And Reduction of Carbon Dioxide over Silver-Based Photocatalysts”, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
- April 2019, External Examiner, Viva of Master in Chemistry (Afifah Muhamad Sidik) for the thesis entitled “Penyediaan dan Pencirian Membrane(L-Asid Laktik)-Poli(Etilena Glikol) dengan Pengisi Karbon Teraktif”, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
- April 2019, External Examiner, Conversion Session Master of Science to PhD (Nurul Izzati binti Abd Malek) for the thesis entitled “Performance of La0.6Sr0.4CO0.2Fe0.8O3-ẟ Cathode Material Modified with Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes”, Universiti Teknologi Mara.
- April 2019, External Examiner, Viva of PhD in Chemical Engineering (Ahmad Fikri Hadi bin Abdul Rahman) for the thesis entitled “Surface Modification of Ultrafiltration and Nanofiltration Membrane via Ultraviolet Photgrafting for Forward Osmosis Application”, Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
- March 2019, External Examiner, Viva of PhD in Chemical Engineering (Beh Jyh Jiunn) for the thesis entitled “Development of Polyamide/Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 Thin Film Nanocomposite Membrane for the Treatment of High Salinity Oil Emulsion via Forward Osmosis”, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
- March 2019, External Examiner, Viva of Master in Chemical Engineering (Shafiq Mohd Hizam) for the thesis entitled “Inclined Forward Osmosis Module System for Fouling Control in Produced Water Treatment”, Universiti Teknologi Petronas.
- Nov 2018, External Examiner, Viva of PhD in Chemical Engineering (Usaid Ur Rehman Farooqui) for the thesis entitled “Ternary Hybrid PVDF-HFP/PANI/GO Polymer Electrolyte Membrane for Lithium Ion Battery”, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM).
- Nov 2018, External Examiner, Viva of Master of Chemical Engineering (‘Ainun Sailah binti Sihar) for the thesis entitled “Fabrication of Mixed Ionic Electronic Conduting (MIEC) Perovskites Oxygen Transport Membrane on Alumina Hollow Fibre Substrate for Air Separation”, Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM).
- Sept 2018, External Examiner, Viva of Master of Science (Ahmad Fuzamy bin Mohd Abd Fatah) for the thesis entitled “Development of LSCF-CuO as Cathode for Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (IT-SOFC)”, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM).
- August 2018, External Examiner, Viva of Master of Science (Aina Aqila binti Arman Alim) for the thesis entitled “Penghasilan Membran Getah Asli Terepoksida/Polivinil Klorida/Selulosa (ENR/PVC/CELL) Untuk Rawatan Efluen Kilang Kelapa Sawit (POME) Menggunakan Sistem Penapisan Prototaip”, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM).
- August 2018, External Examiner, Viva of Master of Science (Nurain binti Abdul Munajat) for the thesis entitled “Fabrication and Characterisation of Carbon Nanotube/Carbon Nanofibre from Polyacrylonitrile Electrospun Nanofibre Precursor”, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTEM).
- April 2018, External Examiner, Viva of Mater of Science (Mohamad Syafiq bin Abdul Wahab for the thesis entitled “Development of PVDF/PEBAX Composite Membranes for CO2/CH4 Separation: Synthesis, Characterization and Optimization”, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP).
- July 2017, External Examiner, Viva of Master of Science (Norliyana Mod) for the thesis entitled “Penyediaan dan Pencirian Membran Poli(Vinilidina Fluorida) (PVDF)/Getah Asli Terepoksida (ENR) (PVDF/ENR) bagi Rawatan Efluen Minyak Kelapa Sawit (POME)”, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM).
- July 2017, External Examiner, Viva of PhD Bioprocess Engineering (Hameed Rasheed Dawood) for the thesis entitled “Fabrication and Characterisation of Asymmetric PVDF-HFP with Modified Mg-Al Hydrotalcite for CO2 Permeation”, Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UNIMAP).
- Dec 2016, External Examiner, Viva of Master of Science (Siti Norfatihah binti Fauzee) for the thesis entitled “Penyediaan dan Pencirian Membran Fiber Nano Getah Asli Terepoksida/ Polivinil Klorida (ENR/PVC) dan Getah Asli Terepoksida/Polivinil Klorida/α-Selulosa (ENR/PVC/α-Selulosa) Menggunakan Kaedah Electrospin”, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM).
- July 2016, External Examiner, Viva of Master of Science (Abigail Asha A/P Abraham) for the thesis entitled “Fabrication and Characterization of Lead (II) Ion Selective Electrode Based on 1.2-Bis(N’-Benzoylthioureido) Benzene Ionophore Using The Potentiometric Method”, University of Malaya (UM).
- May 2014, External Examiner, Viva of Master of Mechanical Engineering (Mohd Riduan bin Jamaluddin) for the thesis entitled “Enhancement of Antifouling Properties using Silica Particles in Polysulfone Membrane and Optimization of Its Operating Condition”, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM).
UTM Examiner/Chairman
PhD – Viva Voce
- July 2021, Internal Examiner, Viva of PhD of Chemical Engineering (Nurshahnawal Yaacob) for the thesis entitled “Polyvinylidene Fluoride/Titania-Zirconia Dual Layer Hollow Fiber Photocatalytic Membranes for Oily Wastewater Treatment”
- August 2020, Internal Examiner, Viva of PhD of Generic Program (Mahesan Naidu a/l Subramaniam) for the thesis entitled “Photocatalytic Dual Layer Hollow Fiber Membrane for Colour Removal of Aerobically Treated Palm Oil Mill Effluent”
- Jan 2020, Internal Examiner, Viva of PhD of Chemistry (Issa Sulaiman Issa Al-Husaini) for the thesis entitled “Tailored Attributes of Superhydrophilic Polyethersulfone Electrospun Nanofibrous Membranes for Oily Effluents Ultrafiltration”
- Jan 2020, Internal Examiner, Viva of PhD of Generic Program (Ghani Ur Rehman) for the thesis entitled “Reduced Graphene Oxide-Silver Iodide Decorated Magnetite Ternary Nanocomposite for Phenol Degradagtion”
- March 2018, Internal Examiner, Viva of PhD of Gas Engineering (Norazlianie binti Sazali) for the thesis entitled “Development of P84 Co-Polyimide-based Carbon Membrane for Carbon Dioxide Separation”
- July 2015, Co-chairman, Viva of PhD of Gas Engineering (Nur Aimie binti Abdullah Sani) for the thesis entitled “Polyphenylsulfone (PPSU) hollow fiber membrane for organic solvent nanofiltration”
- Sept 2014, Co-chairman, Viva of PhD of Gas Engineering (Zulhairun bin Abdul Karim) for the thesis entitled “Exfoliation of Layered Silica in Mixed Matrix Membrane for Natural Gas Purification”
- Nov 2012, Co-chairman, Viva of PhD of Gas Engineering (Norhaniza binti Yusof) for the thesis entitled “Polyacrylonitrile-Based Carbon Fibers and Activated Carbon Fibers for Natural Gas Storage”
PhD – First Stage Evaluation/ Second Stage Evaluation/ PhD Qualifying Exam/ PhD Conversion Exam
- July 2021, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of PhD (Noor Fadilah Yusof) for the thesis entitled “Surface Modification of Alumina Hollow Fiber Membrane by Hydrophobization of UiO-66 Framework using Membrane Distillation for Desalination Process”.
- April 2021, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of PhD (Alisha Bandsee Benny) for the thesis entitled “Photocatalytic Degradation of Bisphenol A Using Graphitic Carbon Nitride Embedded in Electrospun Bacterial Cellulose Nanofiber”.
- Jan 2021, Chairman, First Stage Evaluation of PhD (Sarala Selambakkannu) for the thesis entitled “Removal of Arsenic by Polyvinyldene Fluoride (PVDF) Membrane Deposited with Radiation Exfoliated Boron Nitride”.
- November 2020, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of PhD (Liew Shi Yan) for the thesis entitled “Polymer Brush Functionalized Graphene Oxide Incorporated Thin Film Nanocomposite Membrane for Carbon Dioxide Removal”.
- Oct 2020, Examiner, Qualifying Exam for Fast Track PhD of Environment Engineering (Seah Mei Qun) for the thesis entitled “2D Titania Nanosheet-Modified Nanofiltration Membrane Mad of Mist-Based Interfacial Polymerication Technique for Low-Pressure Desalination”
- July 2020, Chairman, First Stage Evaluation of PhD (Khoo Ying Siew) for the thesis entitled “Surface Modification of Reverse Osmosis Membrane using Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition Method for Effective Desalination Process”.
- April 2020, Examiner, Second Stage Evaluation of PhD (Nor Azureen Mohamad Nor) for the thesis entitled “Highly Sulfonated Polyphenylsulfone Nanocomposite Membrane for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Applications”
- March 2020, Chairman, First Stage Evaluation of PhD (Lee Wei Jie) for the thesis entitled “Antifouling Carbon Nanotubes Incorporated Polydopamine Double-Skinned Thin Film Nanocomposite Membrane for Forward Osmosis Paracetamol Removal”
- February 2020, Examiner, Second Stage Evaluation of PhD (Syafikah Huda Paiman) for the thesis entitled “Multifunctional Iron Oxide Supported Alumina Oxide/Yttria Stabilized Zirconia Hollow Fibre Memrane for Water Separation”
- November 2019, Examiner, Second Stage Evaluation of PhD (Norfazliana binti Abdullah) for the thesis entitled “Preparation and Characterization of UIO-66 Supported onto Alumina Hollow Fiber for Humic Acid Removal in Water”
- November 2019, Examiner, Second Stage Evaluation of PhD (Nizar Mu’ammar Mahpoz) for the thesis entitled “Ceramic Membrane Forword Osmosis for Seawater Desalination”
- Oct 2019, Chairman, First Stage Evaluation of PhD (Saraswathi A/P Nagandran) for the thesis entitled “Anti-Biofouling Reverse Osmosis Membranes Incorporated with Lauric Acid/Silver Modified Graphene Oxide for Desalination”
- Mac 2019, Chairman, First Stage Evaluation of PhD (Nor Hafiza binti Ismail) for the thesis entitled “Polyvinylidene Fluoride Mixed Matrix Membrane Incorporated with Iron Nanoparticles and Hydrated Manganese Oxide for Oily Wastewater Treatment”
- October 2018, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of PhD (Zahra Samavati) for the thesis entitled “Development and Performance Evaluation of Optical Fiber Sensor for Liquid Refractive Index Monitoring”
- October 2018, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of PhD (Norfazliana binti Abdullah) for the thesis entitled “Preparation and Characterization of UIO-66 Supported onto Alumina Hollow Fiber for Humic Acid Removal in Water”
- July 2018, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of PhD (Muhammad Nidzhom bin Zainol Abidin) for the thesis entitled “Polyethersulfone/Oxidized Starch Nanoparticles/Activated Carbon Dual Layer Membrane for Co-Adsorptive Removal of Uremic Toxins”
- March 2018, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of PhD of Chemical Engineering (Nor Azureen Mohamad Nor) for the thesis entitled “Quaternice Chitosan Incorporated Titanium Dioxide Nanofibres Based Anion Exchange Membrane for Alkaline Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell”
- March 2018, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of PhD of Chemical Engineering (Norfadhilatuladha Abdullah) for the thesis entitled “Thin Film Nanocomposite Incorporated Metal Organic Framework Forward Osmosis Membrane For Removal Of Lead (Ii) From Water”
- March 2018, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of PhD of Chemical Engineering (Siti Aishah Muhmed) for the thesis entitled “Sulfonated Holey Graphene Oxide Functionalized Nanocrystalline Cellulose Membrane For Direct Methanol Fuel Cell”
- March 2018, Examiner, Conversion from Master to PhD (Nurul Shahira binti Mohd Sabri) for the thesis entitled “Development of Polysulfone/Copper Oxide Ultrafiltration Membrane for Poultry Wastewater Treatment”
- Feb 2018, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of PhD of Generic Program (Mahesan Naidu a/l Subramaniam) for the thesis entitled “Photocatalytic Titania Nanotube/Polyvinylidene Fluoride Nanocomposite Membrane for Colour Degradation of Aerobically Treated Palm Oil Mill Effluent”
- Jan 2018, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of PhD of Generic Program (Norfazilah binti Muhamad) for the thesis entitled “Ceramic Hollow Fiber Membrane For Heavy Metal Removal”
- Jan 2018, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of PhD of Generic Program (Sazreen binti Shahrin) for the thesis entitled “Adsorptive Ultrafiltration Mixed Matrix Membrane Incorporated With Hybrid Nanofillers For Arsenate Removal”
- Nov 2017, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of PhD of Generic Program (Nurafiqah binti Rosman) for the thesis entitled “PCDF Supported ZnO/Ag2CO3/Ag2O Electrospun Nanofiber for Dual Layer Structure Membrane: Integration of Membrane Filtration and Photocatalytic”
- Nov 2017, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of PhD of Chemical Engineering (Nurshahnawal Yaacob) for the thesis entitled “Photocatalytic Polyvinylidene Flouride/Titania-Zirconia Dual Layer Hollow Degradation”
- Oct 2017, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of PhD of Chemical Engineering (Syafikah Huda binti Paiman) for the thesis entitled “Multifunctional Supported Ferric Oxide Hollow Fibre Membrane for Heavy Metal Removal”
- May 2017, Examiner, Qualifying Exam for Fast Track PhD of Gas Engineering (Muhammad Arif Sazali) for the thesis entitled “Ant Colony Optimisation for Shielding of Mixed Gamma and Neutron Radiation”
- March 2017, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of PhD of Chemical Engineering (Wong Kar Chun) for the thesis entitled “Thin Film Nanocomposite Membrane for Acidic Gas Separation”
- March 2017, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of PhD of Chemical Engineering (Raja Norimie binti Raja Sulaiman) for the thesis entitled “Fabrication of SPEEK-PP Membrane With Immobilized Green Liquid Membrane for Nickel Removal from Electroplating Waste”
- March 2017, Chairman, First Stage Evaluation of PhD of Petroleum Engineering (Nazerah binti Ahmad) for the thesis entitled “Development of Antibacterial Hollow Fiber Membrane by Immobilization of Polyethyeleimine Capped Silver/Polydopamine for Biofouling Mitigation”
- Nov 2016, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of PhD of Chemical Engineering (Norazlianie binti Sazali) for the thesis entitled “Development of P84-Copolyimide for Carbon Membrane with Additives for High CO2 Separation Performance”
- Nov 2016, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of PhD of Chemical Engineering (Nur Hashimah binti Alias) for the thesis entitled “Treatment of Hydrocarbon in Oilfield Produced Water Using Graphitic Carbon”
- April 2015, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Gas Engineering (Wan Noor Ezianti binti Wan Mohd Nor Azman) for the thesis entitled “Preparation of SPEEK Membrane Incorporated With Epoxidised Natural Rubber (ENR-25) for Direct Methanol Fuel Cell”
- April 2014, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of PhD of Gas Engineering (Tan Yi Hong) for the thesis entitled “Development of Couple Metal Oxide/PVDF Photocatalytic Membrane for POME Treatment”
- Nov 2013, Chairman, First Stage Evaluation of PhD of Petroleum Engineering (Ali Moslehyani) for the thesis entitled “Photocatalytic Membrane Reactor (PMR) for the Treatment of Oil-Containing Wastewaters”
- Nov 2013, Chairman, Fast Track Evaluation of PhD of Gas Engineering (Tan Yi Hong) for the thesis entitled “Development of Couple Fe/Zn Oxide Hybrid PVDF Photocatalytic Membrane for POME Treatment”
- April 2013, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of PhD of Gas Engineering (Noor Maizura binti Ismail) for the thesis entitled “Polyether Sulfone/Cloisite 15A Mixed Matrix Membrane for Gas Separation Funtionalized with APTES”
- Nov 2012, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of PhD of Gas Engineering (Mohammad Ghanbari) for the thesis entitled “PAA Hydrogel Nanofibers as Novel Draw Agent for Forward Osmosis for Low Energy”
- Nov 2012, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of PhD of Gas Engineering (Masood Rezaei Dasht Arzhandi) for the thesis entitled “Enhancement of CO2 Absoprtion using Mixed Matrix Hollow Fibre Membrane Contactor”
- April 2012, Examiner, Fast Track Evaluation of PhD of Gas Engineering (Nadzirah binti Mohd Mokhtar) for the thesis entitled “Membrane Distillation for Textile Wastewater Treatment using Polyvinilidene Fluoride (PVDF)-Clay Mixed Matrix Membrane ”
Master by Research – Viva Voce
- April 2020, Internal Examiner, Viva of Master of Chemical Engineering (Muhammad Faris bin Hamid) for the thesis entitled “The Effect of Surface Charge of Thin Film Composite Forward Osmosis with Complex Inorganic Draw Solution for Copper (II) Removal”
- November 2019, Chairman, Viva of Master of Philosophy (Amirul Afiat Raffi) for the thesis entitled “Preparation and Characterization of Step Index Poly Methyl Methyacrylate Based Optical Fiber using Polymer Co-Extrusion”.
- August 2019, Chairman, Viva of Master of Philosophy (Tang Chun Yu) for the thesis entitled “Synthesis, Preparation and Characterization of Boron Nitride Nanocomposite Membrane for Seawater Desalination”.
- April 2019, Chairman, Viva of Master of Philosophy (Nur Fatin Aimilia binti Rozuki) for the thesis entitled “Conversion of Sewage Slude into Syngas via Gasification Process in a Bench-Scale Fixed Bed Reactor”.
- Dec 2018, Examiner, Viva of Master of Philosophy (Khalisah binti Zahri) for the thesis entitled “Polysulfone/Graphene Oxide Mixed Matrix Hollow Fiber Membrane for Carbon Dioxide Removal”.
- October 2018, Chairman, Viva of Master of Philosophy (Muhammad Hanis bin Tajuddin) for the thesis entitled “Incorporation of Layered Double Hydroxide Nanofillers into Thin Film Nanocomposite Nanofiltration Membrane for Water Softening Application”.
- July 2018, Chairman, Viva of Master of Philosophy (Mah Hong Hew) for the thesis entitled “Novel of UV-LED Curable Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Containing Carbon Nanotube for Cover Tape Application”.
- July 2018, Chairman, Viva of Master of Philosophy (Chong Chun Yew) for the thesis entitled “Thin Film Membrane for Boron and Salt Removal in Water”.
- Nov 2017, Chairman, Viva of Master of Engineering (Chemical) (Noor Elyzawerni binti Salim) for the thesis entitled “Photocatalytic Degradation of Phenol Using Modified Oxygenated Graphitic Carbon Nitride Doped Poly (Ether Sulfone) Membrane”.
- May 2016, Examiner, Viva of Master of Engineering (Gas) (Muhammad Taufiq Salleh) for the thesis entitled “Chemical Stability of SPEEK Nanoclay Composite Membrane Under Accelarated Stress Test”
- May 2016, Examiner, Viva of Master of Engineering (Gas) (Hazlini binti Junoh) for the thesis entitled “The Fabrication of SPEEK Nanocomposite Membrane Consists of Electrospun Cloisite15A for Direct Methanol Fuel Cell”
Master by Research – First Stage Evaluation
- July 2021, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Chemical Engineering, (Muhammad Faiz Izzuddin Azmi) for the thesis entitled “Reverse Osmosis Think Film Composite Membranes with Chemically Grafted Amino Acid for Antifouling and Anti-Chlorine Attack”.
- Dec 2020, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Chemical Engineering, (Thareny A/P Ravichandran) for the thesis entitled “Mesoporous Heteropoly Acids Incorporated Chitosan Membrane for Proton Exhange Membrane Fuel Cell”.
- March 2020, Chairman, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Chemical Engineering, (Nur Hana Salsabila binti Muhammad Nasir) for the thesis entitled “BiFeO3-Clinoptilolite Nanocomposites for Photocatalytic Ammonia Degradation”.
- Oct 2019, Chairman, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Chemical Engineering (Intan Nuralisa Mat Dali) for the thesis entitled “Poly(vinylidene fluoride) deposited on alumina ceramic hollow fiber membrane for desalination process”.
- Oct 2019, Chairman, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Chemical Engineering (Nur Naziha Bakhrim) for the thesis entitled “Preparation of Polyvinylidene Fluoride Incorporated with Cerium Oxide Hollow Fiber Membrane for Desalination”.
- April 2018, Chairman, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Chemical Engineering (Syafiq Izzany Sharudin) for the thesis entitled “Zwitterion Incorporated Thin Film Composite Membrane For Pressure Retarded Osmosis”.
- Nov 2017, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Chemical Engineering (Nor Asikin binti Awang) for the thesis entitled “Grafted Cellulose Membrane for Heavy Metal Removal”
- Nov 2017, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Chemical Engineering (Nur Farhah Adlina binti Nor Azmi) for the thesis entitled “Development of Supported Mesoporous Alumina Membrane For Oily Wastewater Treatment”
- Oct 2017, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Chemical Engineering (Mohamad Zahir bin Mohd Pauzi) for the thesis entitled “Incorporation of Thin Layer Membrane of Aluminium Metal Organic Framework on Alumina Hollow Fibre Support”
- Oct 2017, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Chemical Engineering (Amirul Afiat bin Raffi) for the thesis entitled “Preparation and Characterization of Polymeric Optical Fiber Using The Step-Index Approach”
- Oct 2017, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Chemical Engineering (Nur Zhatul Shima binti Yahaya) for the thesis entitled “Synthesis of Metal Organic Framework on Ceramic Hollow Fiber for Seawater Desalination”
- Oct 2017, Chairman, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Chemical Engineering (Muhammad Hariz Aizat bin Tajuddin) for the thesis entitled “Water Stable Metal Organic Framework in Mixed-Matrix Membrane for Arsenic Removal”
- April 2017, Chairman, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Philosophy (Noor Syahida binti Mat Anan) for the thesis entitled “Preparation and Performance of PVDF/NCC Thin Film Composite Photocatalytic Membrane for Metformin Removal”
- April 2017, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Philosophy (Nurafidah Arsat) for the thesis entitled “Development of Grapehen Oxide Coated Thin Film Composite Forward Osmosis Membrane for Desalination: Performance and Antimicrobial Properties”
- March 2017, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Chemical Engineering (Muhammad Hanis Tajuddin) for the thesis entitled “Preparation and Characterization of Polyamide/Copper-Aluminium Layered Double Hydroxide Thin Film Nano Composite (TFN) Membrane for Water Softening Application”
- March 2017, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Chemical Engineering (Nurul Shahira binti Mohd Sabri) for the thesis entitled “Hydrophilic Enhanced Ultrafiltation Membrane for Poultry Wastewater Treatment System”
- March 2017, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Gas Engineering (Tang Chun Yu) for the thesis entitled “Preparation and Characterization of Boron Nitride Nanocomposite Membrane for Seawater Desalination”
- Feb 2017, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Gas Engineering (Nur Hamizah binti Hamid) for the thesis entitled “Graphene Oxide Incorporated Thin Film Nanocomposite Membrane for Hydrogen Separation”
- Jan 2016, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of Master Philosophy (Mahesan Naidu) for the thesis entitled “Titanium Nanotube/Polyethersulfone Photocatalytic Nanocomposite Membrane for Colour Degradation of Anaerobically Treated Palm Oil Effluent”
- Nov 2015, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Chemical Engineering (Chiong Sie Jing) for the thesis entitled “Graphene-Polyvinylidene Fluoride Polymer Nanocomposite for Anti-Corrosion Coating in Gas Pipelines”
- Nov 2015, Chairman, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Gas Engineering (Nor Hafiza binti Ismail) for the thesis entitled “Preparation and Characterization of Disk Supported Carbon Membrane for Gas Separation”
- April 2014, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Gas Engineering (Wong Kar Chun) for the thesis entitled “Carbon Nanotubes/Polyamide Thin Film Nanocomposite Membrane for Gas Separation”
- Nov 2013, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Gas Engineering (Hazlina binti Junoh) for the thesis entitled “The Development of Exfoliated SPEEK/Cloisite Nanocomposite Electrolyte Membrane by Electrospinning”
- Nov 2013, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Gas Engineering (Muhammad Taufiq bin Salleh) for the thesis entitled “The Effect of Electrical Loading on Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Durability”
- Nov 2013, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Gas Engineering (Noor Hidayu binti Othman) for the thesis entitled “Deacidification of Crude Palm Oil using Low Energy Ultrafiltration Membrane Process”
- April 2013, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Gas Engineering (Mohamad Azuwa bin Mohamed) for the thesis entitled “Photocatalytic Membrane in the Degradation of Phenol”
- Nov 2012, Chairman, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Gas Engineering (Tan Fu Long) for the thesis entitled “Effect of Vertical High Pressure Water Jetting to NPS 8 Natural Gas Steel Pipe”
- April 2012, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of Master in Gas Engineering (Norfadilah binti Dolmat) for the thesis entitled “Removal of Carbon Dioxide from Natural Gas Mixtures using Emulsion of Monoethanolamine and Piperazine in Contacting Disc Contactor”
- April 2012, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Gas Engineering (Siti Erlyane binti Rosli) for the thesis entitled “Study of Catalyst Loading on Polymer Electrolyte Membrane for Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Application”
- April 2012, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Gas Engineering (Nur Iedrilla binti Rahman) for the thesis entitled “Development of Membrane for Degumming and Deacidification of Crude Palm Oil”
Master by Mixed-Mode – Viva Voce
- Mac 2013, Examiner, Viva of Master of Science: Bioprocess Engineering (Nur Dianaty binti Nordin) for the thesis entitled “Development Of Microbial Fuel Cell Using SPEEK/Cloisite 15A Membrane For Electricity Generation From Palm Oil Mill Effluent”
Master by Mixed-Mode – First Stage Evaluation
- June 2017, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Science: Chemical Engineering (Arvin Shadravan) for the thesis entitled “Thin film nanocomposite for power generation through pressure retarded osmosis”
- June 2014, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Science: Gas Engineering and Management (Wowo Imabin Friday)
- June 2014, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Science: Gas Engineering and Management (Fachurrazi)
- June 2014, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Science: Gas Engineering and Management (Mohammad Shafri bin Ismail)
- Jan 2012, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Science: Chemical Engineering (Hamid Ilbegi) for the thesis entitled “Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Evaluation”
- Jan 2012, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Science: Chemical Engineering (Elnaz Halakoo) for the thesis entitled “Nanofiltration in Wastewater Treatment”
- Jan 2012, Examiner, First Stage Evaluation of Master of Science: Chemical Engineering (Amirhossein Naddafian) for the thesis entitled “Using SPEEK in Nanofiltration for Wastewater Treatment”