About Me

I am an academically accomplished professional with a strong background in Technology, Operations, and Logistics Management, particularly in the field of Lean Management. My educational journey has been marked by a commitment to continuous learning and development. Here’s a snapshot of my academic achievements:

  • PhD in Technology, Operations, and Logistics Management (Lean Management): I earned my Doctor of Philosophy degree from Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) in 2021. Notably, this institution is AACSB accredited, reflecting its commitment to academic excellence.
  • Master of Business Administration (Engineering Management): In 2013, I completed my MBA with a specialization in Engineering Management from Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UNIMAP), adding a valuable layer of business acumen to my technical expertise.
  • Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (With Honors): My undergraduate journey began with a Bachelor’s degree in Manufacturing Engineering from Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), where I graduated with honors in 2010. This provided a solid foundation in the principles of manufacturing.
  • Diploma in Manufacturing Engineering Technology: In 2007, I embarked on my academic path with a Diploma in Manufacturing Engineering Technology from the Japan-Malaysia Technical Institute (JMTI). This laid the groundwork for my subsequent academic and professional pursuits.
  • Diploma of Malaysia Skills in Metal Machining Technology – Manufacturing (CAD/CAM): My dedication to honing my technical skills became evident early in my journey, as I completed a diploma program in Metal Machining Technology with a focus on CAD/CAM systems, also from JMTI in 2007.

My academic and practical experiences have equipped me with a well-rounded knowledge of technology and operations management, and my specialization in Lean Management has enabled me to contribute to efficiency and continuous improvement in various settings. I am passionate about the intersection of technology and business, and I am committed to making meaningful contributions to my field.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about my educational background and professional journey.”

Academic Leadership in Higher Education

Academic leadership is a crucial component of higher education, and it shapes the path that educational institutions tread. As someone who works closely in this field, especially at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) in the Faculty of Management, I can attest to the complex role that academic leaders play.
Fundamentally, academic leadership is establishing the institution’s strategic vision. This looks ahead to coordinating research projects, academic programmes, and institutional expansion. As a faculty member at the Faculty of Management, I recognise the vital significance of this concept. It guides us in creating a road map for the expansion and improvement of scholarly programmes and offerings.

The creation of academic programmes is essential to academic leadership. Both the demands of the students and the larger institutional goals must be met by these initiatives. We continuously assess and create programmes at the Faculty of Management to ensure that our students are ready to succeed in the ever-changing business and management environment. Academic leaders have a critical role in managing the development of professors and staff. This obligation includes hiring, coaching, and supplying the required materials. As an academician at UTM, I have seen firsthand the value of mentorship and direction in creating a culture of lifelong learning and professional development among faculty members.

Equal emphasis should be placed on student success. Leading an academic community that encourages progress on both a personal and academic level is the responsibility of academic leaders. This supportive setting improves learning results and cultivates a strong sense of involvement and belonging, all of which are essential for the overall development of our students. An additional tenet of academic leadership is the encouragement of innovation and research. This entails allocating resources, promoting teamwork, and supporting academic endeavours. I see firsthand how innovation and research benefit UTM as well as society at large as a faculty member.

As a member of the UTM Faculty of Management, I try to make a significant contribution to academic leadership. I work hard to develop an atmosphere that values excellence, creativity, and inclusivity in order to better prepare the next generation of managers and business leaders. I am deeply conscious of the significant impact academic leadership may have, both inside the institution and on the larger social environment, as I teach and interact with students.