Teaching Courses

"Success doesn't come from what you do occasionally, it comes from what you do consistently"

2023/2024 SEM 2

Chemical Kinetics and Electrochemistry (SSCC 2453)

This course covers the basics and applications of chemical kinetics and electrochemistry. Topics include reaction rates, mechanisms, and electrochemical cell processes. Students will develop teamwork skills by solving industrial problems related to electrochemistry.

Liquid Crystals (SSCC 4423)

This course introduces the types, structures, and chemistry of liquid crystals, focusing on mesogenic building blocks, thermotropic and lyotropic liquid crystals, and their polymers. It also covers their applications in spectroscopies and display technology.

Physical Chemistry Practical II (SSCC 2841)

This course helps students apply concepts from Chemical Kinetics and Electrochemistry through experiments, enhancing their lab skills, teamwork, and ability to present scientific results, while understanding the limitations of theory and practice.