Last semester, I taught Biomedical System Design course for final year students of Biomedical Engineering Programme. This course mainly focused on designing and creating a new prototype that related to the medical application. For the first half of semester, our former faculty lecturer (Dr. Dedy) taught them. Later, the second half of semester, I took a place to replace Dr. Dedy (he have transferred to Indonesia). There were 5 groups presented their final products on 21st December 2016. Here are the five groups presented their final products:
1. Machino (Product name: Crampino)
1. To develop a muscle relieve device that can be controlled by user itself
2. To minimize the help from other people during muscle cramp
3. To provide difference angle of flexion for calf muscle
2. Synergy 6 (Product name: Oxynergy)
1. To create a simple interface device to monitor oxygen concentration
2. To design a wireless pulse oximeter which allows remote measurement
3. Schepper (Product name: V2H Care)
1. To reduce back pain of the user
2. To compensate the user’s imbalance
4. Concevoir (Product name : Vi Track)
1. To produce a device which able to produce warning in terms of alarm (tactile or auditory) when detecting any obstacles in front of the user within several range.
5. Consilium (Product name: Inteligente Guanto)
1. To help the stroke patient in terms of communication with the caretaker and rehabilitation can be achieved.
For your information, they spent only Rm100 for their final products. This is a very low-cost product and really hope one that our biomedical engineers can have in mind to reduce cost for medical devices such this example.