by muhammadhaniframlee | Mar 15, 2018 | Experiences, Meeting, Seminar, Workshop
17th January 2018 FBME strategic planning 2018 was held to ensure all tasks will be on track.
by muhammadhaniframlee | Mar 15, 2018 | Experiences, Meeting, Research, Sports
On 3rd January 2018, a team from SITC visited training centre of archery in Skudai. The archery team is actually from Majlis Sukan Negeri Johor (MSNJ) will be competed in SUKMA2018. From the meeting, some ideas were obtained to further research on how to help the...
by muhammadhaniframlee | Mar 15, 2018 | Experiences, Seminar
18th December 2017-UTM english week. SITC received an invitation to conduct UTM English Week this time.