by muhammadhaniframlee | May 3, 2020 | Experiences
27 November 2019 Got an invitation to attend Anugerah Gemilang Mahasiswa (GEMA) UTM 2019, a prestigious event to give awards to students.
by muhammadhaniframlee | May 3, 2020 | Courses, My class
10 December 2019 This is my 3rd time to teach the course of Introduction to Biomedical Engineering to my UG students. Similar to previous years, this year we have conducted a group project where the students need to develop a robotic arm using LEGO. The so-called...
by muhammadhaniframlee | May 3, 2020 | Meeting
11 December 2019 Medical Devices and Technology Centre (MEDiTEC) had a meeting in UTM with a representative from Medical Devices Authory (MDA) for developing a short course under APEC.
by muhammadhaniframlee | May 3, 2020 | My class
14 December 2019 I teach them Statics and Dynamics. They are the next biomedical engineer in Malaysia. Good luck guys!
by muhammadhaniframlee | May 3, 2020 | Conference, Experiences, My class, Research, Seminar
22 December 2019 My two FYP students presented their project in the 3rd Undergraduate Research Conference 2019. Congratulations all!