+6011-5647 4150 m.hanif@utm.my






Keep following my blog post related to my publications, projects, or event current issues.

Meeting with Prof. Seiji Hashimoto at UTeM

On 28th March 2018, had an opportunity to meet Prof. Dr. Seiji Hashimoto form Gunma University, Japan. We meet at Universiti Teknikal Melaka Malaysia and having a discussion about the possibility to send UTM students for an attachment at Gunma University and some other research collaboration.


PRGS proposal defend at KPT level

Alhamdulillah. I have presented my proposal regarding the biomechanics topic in securing a KPT grant, Prototype Research Grant Scheme (PRGS). Though this is my first experience to defend my work and proposal, I have learned many things in the process of applying a prototype grant. This potential research is not about my own interest and KPI, but for the sake of knowledge and helping others, In Sha Allah.

Research Promotion by SITC

On 27th March 2018, team from Sports Innovation and Technology Centre (SITC) have an opportunity to showcase and promote our research and development project. This is also a great opportunity to all students who attended to know more details regarding current research in the faculty, so that whoever want to further study, they can approach lecturer. Thanks to all lecturers who contributing and good luck to students who want to further study in Master and PhD level.

Meeting with Dr Gan Hong Seng UNIKL Gombak

Had a chance to meet with Dr Gan Hong Seng from Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Gombak Selangor. We have a discussion regarding the research collaboration in terms of grant, students and research article. Hope this collaboration will be beneficial not only for us, but to all communities in Malaysia.

Meeting with Dr Mat Hussin

Have a chance to meet Dr Mat Hussin who is currently as a senior lecturer at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UTM. We discussed a lot regarding research project that have a potential to be collaborated in the future.

3MT and Famelab Seminar 2018

Thanks to Postgraduate Student Society (PGSS), Faculty of Biosciences and Medical Engineering for conducting a such special event on 6th March 2018. The event entitled Seminar on Three-Minute Thesis Competition and FameLab has attracted more than 60 participants on that day. A great sharing by two prominent speakers from UTM, Dr. Jaysuman Pusppanthan for 3MT thesis and Dr. Zaid Omar for the FameLab.  The former one, Dr. Jay has won 1st place for the 3MT thesis competition in the national level as well as the 1st place for the Falling Wall competition in Malaysia. He represent Malaysia for both 3MT and Falling Wall competition at the international level in Australia and Germany, respectively, last year. The second speaker was Dr Zaid Omar has won the 1st place for the FameLab at national level. Thanks to the speakers who sharing their experiences on how to deliver knowledge wisely during competition. Hope this sharing can encourage all students and staffs to join the competition.