Website WordPress Training for UTM Staff

I was invited to a training about Web People @ UTM. It was a great privilege and opportunity for me. I was very delighted. The training is actually about website WordPress training.

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Menghadiri Kursus Website WordPress – Webpeople@UTM

Menghadiri Kursus WEBPEOPLE@ UTM pada 17 Mei 2023. Kursus ini menggunakan wordpress sebagai medium pembelajaran. Kursus WEBPOEPLE@UTM disampaikan oleh Ir. Ts. Dr. Zaki Yamani. Kursus WEBPEOPLE@UTM bermula dari 8.30pagi hingga 12.30 tengah hari. Membina website menggunakan wordpress

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Hello world!

Welcome to People@UTM. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

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