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English Tips

English Tips 7

English Tips 7

Did you know that using idioms in your speech or in your writing makes you sound smart? Why? This is because you are saying something indirectly that makes people think a bit more on your output. Using idioms can also give a deeper meaning onto your speeches or...

English Tips 6

English Tips 6

Why do people use idioms in their communication? Why can’t they just say it directly? Well, you can say that using idioms in your communication is a form of an arts and class. Not everything is nice when say directly. However, this week’s post on idioms gives better...

English Tips 5

English Tips 5

How to say "I agree" without saying the phrase?The phrase ‘I agree' is too common and if you don’t know already, I’m agree is totally incorrect in standard English language. So, if you want to practise something different from ‘I agree’, this post is going to give you...

English Tips 4

English Tips 4

Unless you are a ‘yes-sir’ person, you would be disagreeing with people’s opinion at times, no? Due to that, you should know that ‘I disagree’ can be voiced out in many different ways. How do you ask? Find out from this post, alright?

English Tips 3

English Tips 3

Some wishes are not very straightforward as people love to puzzle others. This is because it keeps the suspense and surprise vibes going. However, people who are not familiar with the language might be confused with the unknown terms or hints. So, this post is meant...

English Tips 2

English Tips 2

Conveying news on a passing of someone is never an easy thing. Most often than not, people try as much as possible to not mention that so and so died. They are being courteous not to incur more grievances onto the family members and closed ones. Thus, let’s learn the...