Unassigned Reference Exception, Variable not Assigned – Unity3D

The syntax error this time is : “UnassignedReferenceException : The variable XYZ of ABC.csharp has not been assigned”

This error says that you have declared a variable and used is as a GameObject, but no GameObject in the Scene has been assigned to the variable.

public GameObject camera;
 void Start () {

Therefore, you have to assign the variable camera, for example, to an object which is tagged in the Inspector. Let us say that the Object Main Camera in the Hierarchy is labelled as MainCamera in the Tag field, to assign the variable camera to the Object Main Camera, the code should be written as follow :-

public GameObject camera;
 void Start () {
 camera = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera");


Capacitance Tests Good But Not ESR

A measure of capacitance on a capacitance meter might show value similar to the label on the capacitor’s cylindrical body. However, it is not only the capacitance that ensures functionality. Another measurement that needs to be considered is the ESR measurement. ESR is the abbreviation of Electrical Series Resistance. This measure of resistance is specifically during rapid charging and discharging of the capacitor. Given a frequency input, a new good capacitor measures low ESR typically lower than 1 ohm. ESR higher than 1 ohm indicates that the capacitor needs to be replaced so that the circuit employing it can function according to specification.

Outcome-based Education Workshop from Rose-Hulmans’

Measuring what students know, developing and deployinh classroom assessment techniques (CATs). Electronic Portfolios, student Learning and outcome Assessment, using digital resources to improve student learning and reflection. Constructing program assessments that work as intended.