1. Motivation
  2. Take risk
  3. Perseverance
  4. Know yourself
  5. Pray
  6. “Begin with End in Mind”
  7. SMART
  8. Control your mind
  9. Organize
  10. Patience
  11. Dare to fail
  12. Imagination
  13. Focus
  14. Just Do It
  15. Log book
  16. Competence
  17. Positive
  18. Ready to learn
  19. Hardworking
  20. Avoid procrastination
  21. Give more
  22. Sacrifice
  23. Go abroad
  24. Organize research
  25. Help wash other apparatus
  26. Be on time
  27. Don’t hesitate
  28. Do it now
  29. Collaborate with other researcher
  30. Making good friend with technician
  31. Always read
  32. Always writing
  33. Don’t give up
  34. Be happy
  35. Help other researcher
  36. Personal Relation (PR)
  37. Confident
  38. Teach others
  39. Follow the rules
  40. Brave
  41. Good relation with supervisor
  42. Learn by heart
  43. Discover new things
  44. Persistently
  45. Think for the future
  46. Do the work
  47. Honesty
  48. Do more talk less
  49. Be yourself
  50. Flexible
  51. Make it simple
  52. Be careful
  53. Do what you love to do
  54. Visualize vividly
  55. Find literature
  56. Courage
  57. Communicate
  58. Simple slide presentation
  59. Age does not matter
  60. Mentoring new researcher
  61. Determination
  62. Take action
  63. Always ask
  64. Concentrate
  65. Have dreams
  66. Inspire by well-known researcher
  67. Always be prepared
  68. Start now
  69. Be responsible
  70. Overcome problem wisely