- Motivation
- Take risk
- Perseverance
- Know yourself
- Pray
- “Begin with End in Mind”
- Control your mind
- Organize
- Patience
- Dare to fail
- Imagination
- Focus
- Just Do It
- Log book
- Competence
- Positive
- Ready to learn
- Hardworking
- Avoid procrastination
- Give more
- Sacrifice
- Go abroad
- Organize research
- Help wash other apparatus
- Be on time
- Don’t hesitate
- Do it now
- Collaborate with other researcher
- Making good friend with technician
- Always read
- Always writing
- Don’t give up
- Be happy
- Help other researcher
- Personal Relation (PR)
- Confident
- Teach others
- Follow the rules
- Brave
- Good relation with supervisor
- Learn by heart
- Discover new things
- Persistently
- Think for the future
- Do the work
- Honesty
- Do more talk less
- Be yourself
- Flexible
- Make it simple
- Be careful
- Do what you love to do
- Visualize vividly
- Find literature
- Courage
- Communicate
- Simple slide presentation
- Age does not matter
- Mentoring new researcher
- Determination
- Take action
- Always ask
- Concentrate
- Have dreams
- Inspire by well-known researcher
- Always be prepared
- Start now
- Be responsible
- Overcome problem wisely