Thanks to Mr Bugstan for his dedication and efforts in sharing his experiences, ideas, knowledge, time and many things regarding the innovation. I met Mr Bugstan 3 years ago. At that time I was appointed by UTM to select and interview candidate for Tokoh Inovasi UTM Innovation Hall of Fame for Festival Inovasi dan Kreativiti 2012. I have interviewed him to know more about his profile and many things in regard to his works in innovation and creativity.

Refer to this website to know more about Bugstan:

1_Interview bugstan





To watch the interview session, go to:


After that, I invited him to become a speaker for a program called “Innovation Day with Bugstan” organized by Nanotechnology Research Alliance (NRA) and Centre for Student Innovation (CSI), UTM in 2012. During this program, Mr Bugstan shared his experience and tips in turning the ideas into innovation; seven steps to commercialize the invented products. The tips are very useful to me as a researcher. After this program, I tried to follow these steps and now, after two years, I am in the right track to commercialize my invention. Thanks to Bugstan.

In 2014, Bugstan came to UTM again to give talk to students and lecturer also about the step in innovation. This program was organized by UTMTEC and ICC, UTM.

3_Talk by bugstan






During this talk, I am very honored to meet Mr Bugstan again and this time, he has book called “Turning ideas into innovation”. According to this book, there are 7 steps in commercializing your idea/invention:

  1. Start by conceptualizing an idea
  2. Check your ideas
  3. Raise fund for your project
  4. Make a prototype/working model
  5. Filing a patent.
  6. Do a valuation of your invention
  7. Commercialization



To know more about these steps, please read this book. You can ask Mr Bugstan ( This book is very valuable and informative to student who has the idea or invention but do not know how to go further with the invention and also to lecturers who want to commercialize their products.



I have product called DUAL-ANTIBAX  ( and I think now I am in the step 6 where I need to do valuation for my product. After that, this product is ready for commercialization. After the talk, we have discussion on my product and Mr Bugstan has given me so many valuable information and sharing his experiences in realizing the innovation. Thanks to Mr Bugstan again for your sharing knowledge and experience. Hopefully your efforts in inspiring innovation will give positive impact to our nation.

5_Me and bugstan