Monthly Archives: March 2019


  Assalamualaikum wbkh and Hello.. UTM community and anyone who is interested to learn about searching skill,  the classes can be request through here: let us  assist you…..See u there! #informationexplorer  

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Work, Matters! : Working with different generations (Shankar R.Santhiram)

A very silence Friday morning in the library (PSZ).  I try to make it a habit to hover over news headlines. During the working days,  my assistant will choose articles from the newspaper to be shared on our News Board … Continue reading

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The hidden gem of Johor – Tanjung Surat

Tranquil Bakau (mangrove forest), nestled among the  Island of Tanjung Surat, Pengerang, Johor. UTM has paved the way to introduce this land to others. News about this land has been widespread through media previously.   Insya’ allah,  with the Grace of … Continue reading

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Turnitin Everyone?

Do you know about software that is capable of checking our writing similarity?  Yes and No or err…got one like that aaa???? Image original source:   Morning  UTM Community, Turnitin is a plagiarism checker or similarity checker, which assist us … Continue reading

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