How do the most successful people manage their time? by Eric Barker

From Barking up the Wrong Tree (I sure love this guy’s blog)

Chessman is changed to the shadow of the crown. Idea concept

How do the most successful people manage their time?

Laura Vanderkam talked to a number of those people (including productivity expert David Allen and the former CEO of Pepsi) and found out their secrets.

She’s written about what she learned in a series of books:

  1. What the Most Successful People Do at Work
  2. What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast
  3. What the Most Successful People Do on the Weekend
  4. 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think

picture courtesy of : <a href=’’>Business photo created by jcomp –</a>

About nisrinanis

Senior Lecturer, School of Education, Faculty of Science Social and Humanities, UTMJB Interests: Research Methodology | Mixed Method Study | Leadership | Training | Higher Education  | Competencies | Entrepreneurship | Market & Marketing | Smart Reading | Bibliotherapy |
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