Dr. Noorehan Yaacob

Research Area:

Applied and Computational Mathematics; Mathematical Modeling; Mathematical Biology; Level Set Methods; and Numerical Methods.


Academic Qualifications:

1. Ph.D (Mathematics) – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (2022)

2. M.Sc. (Engineering Mathematics) – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (2018)

3. B.Sc. (Mathematics) – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (2016)


Award Received:

2020 – Best Paper Award Simposium Kebangsaan Sains Matematik ke-28 (SKSM 28). Yaacob, N., Shafie, S., Suzuki, T., & Admon, M. A. Level Set Method for Free Boundary of Invasive Cancer Cell using Different Functions of Matrix Metalloproteinases.


Research Attachment: 

2020 – International Research Visit in Japan, Osaka University with Prof Clair Poignard and Prof Takashi Suzuki, 20-24 January 2020.